Monday, March 10, 2014

Aquarius: NO PLACE CALLED "Utopia" Part 2

Police never should be disrespected, and even rouge and  renegade police and social-workers should be given the chance to explain themselves, for it was never my intention to obstruct or hinder a lawful police or social-worker's investigation. Public discourse has apparently degenerated to the point that sophomoric and disingenuous argument taking the place of a clear  exposition. Point one is stressed, there are rouge and renegade police and social-worker. Point two is stressed, that False Reports and False Complaints have been in fact been made by police and social-worker that, just by incompetence and ignorance have made law-enforcement and social-work more difficult for the efficient and knowledgeable caregiver and law-enforcement officer. Check this out ! See web-link:

"False accusation"... Now, see this link..."False Claims Act"... No mature adult should not be afraid to make a lawful report to a government agence or lawencorment athority, but here is the issue, not some "Frivolous Complaint"... frivolous adj. referring to a legal move in a lawsuit clearly intended merely to harass, delay, or embarrass the opposition. "Frivolous acts can include filing the lawsuit itself, a baseless motion for a legal ruling, an answer of a defendant to a complaint which does not deny, contest, prove, or controvert anything, or an appeal which contains not a single arguable basis (by any stretch of the imagination) for the appeal. A frivolous lawsuit, motion or appeal can result in a successful claim by the other party for payment by the frivolous suer of their attorneys fees for defending the case. Judges are reluctant to find an action frivolous, based on the desire not to discourage people from using the courts to resolve disputes"...( see original site ) "Frivolous litigation"... Also, see  "Mootness,"... For example, my neighbor called the police one very hot summer night because my front door was open. At that time I had no air conditioner, and because I have arthritis and sciatica my energy leave is not always up to needed house cleaning. On this particular night I was feeling good, and started to run the vacuum cleaner, then startled by a knock on the open front door. I turn around and there is a police officer standing at the door. I said to the officer, "May I help you, officer ?" He said that a neighbor call the police and said that my front door was open. The reason why this could be serious is because I could have been in my "shorts," as the night being so hot. Luckily, I was fully clothed. I went out on to the porch and my female neighbor was standing on her front porch hand wringing her hands, and said to me, " I was worried about you (,she said this to me)." I said to her, " I not mad at you, but please do not do that again. I don't care if you see me fall. I do not need your help, and and I do not want your help, so just leave me alone. Please !" First, having a front door open is NOT a crime. Secondly, why would a police officer even consider answering such a "complaint?" There is no way to prove the following, but an "anonymous tip" to the police about a "NON-CRIME" makes the police look foolish, and can even be a deliberate diversion to keep the police busy so that they can not be available to respond to a real criminal act. Now, this has happened again ! My hip is dislocated, and I sometimes let out a "Yelp," a "pig squeal" from the pain of lifting my foot into my car. Somebody called the police again and said that I was making "noise," and the police said that if it happen again I would be charged disturbing the peace... see web-link: This is my "apologia" for my previous post. I hope that you understand that no disrespect was intended to honest law enforcers and social-workers. As the title of this blog states, "Aquarius: NO PLACE CALLED "Utopia"  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Aquarius: NO PLACE CALLED "Utopia"

AQUARIUS: NO PLACE CALLED "Utopia." 2014, March 4 at 0540 in the morning just before sunrise, SNOW ON MY CAR AND ROCK SALT IN HAND.  72 years old means that the person has lived her/his life  as one degree of the zodiac. Important as this is, because rouge and renegade enforcers of the law can be seen for what they are in the context of 360 degree zodiac representing 25,920 years and 30 degrees of a circle are 2,160 years. Friedrich Nietzsche is interesting in this context of rouge and renegade people who are suppose to know the law because of his belief in "The-Will-To-Power." ECCE HOMO ! 
ECCE HOMO, was written by Friedrich Nietzsche almost as a biography, as a projection of his feeling and emotions, ( Ha ! Ha !) pity that he did not want, but maybe needed. QUOTE: "If, this not withstanding, many great and petty misdeeds have been committed against me, it was not 'will', least of all ill will that was the cause of it: I could complain, rather - I have just suggested as much - of the good will which has caused me no little mischief in my life. My experiences give me a right to a general mistrust of so-called 'selfless' drives, of the whole 'love of one's neighbor' which is always ready with deeds and advice..." "Jesus Christ !" Jesus Christ are not two cuss words to me, but a prayer, a begging for help from heaven. If there is any answer, but the police or some sexually frustrated female neighbor that says with their mouth that they believe in "Jesus," but will not call out to the "Holly Spirit" when their "soul" needs help. I seek "spiritual help." I Shout ! I Yell and scream for guidance and spiritual help, out loud, not being ashamed of my faith in the "Spiritual World." Look ! Listen ! Not everyone prays in silence...

Overcoming The Fear of Praying Out Loud...   

  "Arrested for Praying Out Loud?"... Hurting people is not funny. Pain and suffering can not be seen from the outside of a persons body. Police and Social Workers consider this web link...

MEDICAL MIX-UP: POLICE MISTAKE SEIZURE FOR INTOXICATION... Dislocated Hip and a slipped Disk in the lower back can cause awful pain, a pinched nerve causing Sciatica. See web link... Cuss, shout and yell is from excruciating pain ( see link... ), pain so bad that this blogger would not wish on anybody, and to find  law enforcement and social workers unsympathetic just makes for anxiety (see link... that makes the pain feel even worse. Naturally, there are situations that require action. More might be going on than is aparrent at first glance. Especially with old, elderly 73 year old people ! Deaf ! Hard of hearing might cause a person to yell and shout, because the person can not hear. "Burn, Witch, Burn" is the name of an old 1962 movie, see link... That is just the name of a movie, not to be taken seriously, just as "Pussy Riot," the Rock Band should not be taken seriously. (Not by mature adults at any rate.) Old wemen that are lonely, and easily excited may have a "Startle response " ( see web link... , as in a knee jerk reaction, ( "PATELLAR REFLEX" SEE LINK... Truely for old people to be lonely is sad, to to fill their "empty life" by making a FALSE REPORT, and a FALSE COMPLAINT is criminal. Police and social workers beware that you are "complicated" if you knowingly enable and empower a false report. Not funny to ruin a person's reputation with slander and defamation ( see link... ) of their character by cooperation and perjury ( see web link...  ) In dealing with the elderly, infirmed and old care must be taken not to jump to unwarranted conclusions, other wise the old, infirmed and elderly person might die right in front, and could be a case for "Second Degree Murder." Now, now read carefully,  "Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as: 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion"; or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life." Gossip, and whispers about the police or social-workers action by anonymous people are just as bad in my personal estimation as a "Sting Operation" or anonymous, (  SEE Link... Anonymous (YourAnonNews) on Twitter  ) "Stool Pigeons," Ha ! Ha !  >>> snitch

 OR, "Talk-About-you" on ZELLO ! HELLO ! See Link...   Bubba, there is no place to hide, social-worker, or police person ! What you do in secret, will be known all over the world by Internet...