Wednesday, April 22, 2015
POLICE ! POLICE ! Good Cop. Bad Cop...
POLICE ! POLICE ! Good Cop. Bad Cop... Old argument. Same as, were there any good NAZIs ? Were all NAZIs bad, just because that person took on the self-identity and outward appearance of a NAZI ? Some religious people say that all "witchcraft" is bad, not just because witchcraft deals with forces that can TRY to act against G*D's will, but just by attempting to act against what seems to be the natural order witchcraft is bad. And, beside "The Bible told me so." King James had a whole prologue printed in what is known as the King James Bible, a polemic against witchcraft. See link... Obliviously, (drop to 'first person singular') this is only my foolish opinion, and is just as good, or bad as someone else's opinion. Good witches there are. "Good" NAZI's there are (,=present tense on purpose). Oh, if all people everywhere were always conscious of their real motivations for their actions, but generally people act from emotions, desires and deeply repressed feeling that they CAN NOT, or will not acknowledge. Why a person would think themselves a "witch" or a NAZI, or "TERRORIST," Mass Murderers or anything else, generally, condemned by society is probably a personal issue. >NOW FOR A SURPRISE ! "One million users signed into Twitter's new live streaming app Periscope" see link...< Generally, this Blogger goes to three sources for psychological understanding of personal and social problems, they are, Doctor Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories, Doctor Wilhelm Reich's psychosexual theories, and Doctor Carl Jung's archetype philosophy. Doctor Jung is good for context as in the following ..."In Jungian psychology, archetypes are highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. Being unconscious, the existence of archetypes can only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, art, myths, religions, or dreams. Carl Jung understood archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct.[1] They are inherited potentials which are actualized when they enter consciousness as images or manifest in behavior on interaction with the outside world.[2] They are autonomous and hidden forms which are transformed once they enter consciousness and are given particular expression by individuals and their cultures." From Wikipedia, see link... Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy NOT-OFF-TOPIC, control of history is one of the ways the establishment has controlled society. > "Twitter's Periscope gains 1 million users in first 10 days." See link..< His-Story, narrative, plot, scenario, and again this Blogger relies on past history, education, and part of that learning was the psychosexual theories of Doctor Wilhelm Reich. Doctor Reich to my thinking, has been so badly misunderstood, and so maliciously defamed, that just by the hyper-vehemence of the attracts there must be some hidden truth that the establishment does not want to be made public. Again, my worthless belief is, as posted in another Blog, much prejudice and bigotry comes from repressed, self suspected fear of being, or identified as a homosexual. See link..."Homosexual panic" This self-critical homosexual fear comes from wanting to see the same gender, male/or female, the same ethnic group as the person themselves in the external world. This will never happen, because the world is made of opposites and dualities, always a contradiction as male and female, dark and light, cold and hot. If by some psychosis or "Magickal Reality" could be contracted into a singularity as in monistic perception, nothing would exist. ("Monism: Defined as the view that reality is a unified whole and that all existing things can be ascribed to, or described by, a single concept or system. It is the doctrine that mind and matter are reducible to the same ultimate substance or principle of being." =From online dictionary.) Everything, including the observer would disappear and vanish into some self-contained insanity, or by extension if a person thinks that there is an external world, empirically. Eventually, by reduction everything would blend into a continual "sameness" because all contradictions would be gone, there would be no opposites, and no contrast so nothing could be seen and that would be near catatonia..."abnormality of movement and behavior arising from a disturbed mental state (typically schizophrenia). It may involve repetitive or purposeless over activity, or catalepsy, resistance to passive movement, and negativism." -From online free dictionary. See Wordpress. com, CENSORSHIP REVIEW pending, "POLICE BRUTALITY, MAGICAL THINKING AND WITCHCRAFT" Please see link...
Sunday, April 12, 2015
AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA AND MINORITIES. "Lloyd Anthony Pye Jr. (September 7, 1946 – December 9, 2013) was an American author and paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull.[1][2] He claimed it was the relic of a human-alien hybrid,[3] although DNA testing showed it to be from a human male.[4] He also promoted the ideas that cryptozoological creatures such as Bigfoot are real and that aliens intervened in human development.[5][6]" From Wikipedia ->>Please, this is so extremely important for human society and human diversity that the following video should make all people think deeply about what it means to be human. Please, pay attention to what is said...See link
-> CENSORSHIP AGAIN. HYPER-TEXT INAPPROPRIATE USE 'HACKED' TO CORRUPT POST CONTENT. <- data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-action="" data-blogger-escaped-again="" data-blogger-escaped-against="" data-blogger-escaped-aggressive="" data-blogger-escaped-america.="" data-blogger-escaped-american="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-anything="" data-blogger-escaped-are="" data-blogger-escaped-around.="" data-blogger-escaped-around="" data-blogger-escaped-as="" data-blogger-escaped-be="" data-blogger-escaped-because="" data-blogger-escaped-been="" data-blogger-escaped-being="" data-blogger-escaped-by="" data-blogger-escaped-careful="" data-blogger-escaped-civilization.="" data-blogger-escaped-come-full-circle="" data-blogger-escaped-comes="" data-blogger-escaped-destiny="" data-blogger-escaped-distant="" data-blogger-escaped-do="" data-blogger-escaped-european="" data-blogger-escaped-europeans="" data-blogger-escaped-even="" data-blogger-escaped-first="" data-blogger-escaped-follow="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-goes="" data-blogger-escaped-groups="" data-blogger-escaped-had="" data-blogger-escaped-hard="" data-blogger-escaped-has="" data-blogger-escaped-hat="" data-blogger-escaped-have="" data-blogger-escaped-high-technological="" data-blogger-escaped-honest="" data-blogger-escaped-humanity="" data-blogger-escaped-hurt="" data-blogger-escaped-if="" data-blogger-escaped-in="" data-blogger-escaped-information="" data-blogger-escaped-internet="" data-blogger-escaped-invaded="" data-blogger-escaped-invaders="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-just="" data-blogger-escaped-karma="" data-blogger-escaped-killed="" data-blogger-escaped-knowledge.="" data-blogger-escaped-knowledge="" data-blogger-escaped-known="" data-blogger-escaped-little="" data-blogger-escaped-lways="" data-blogger-escaped-many="" data-blogger-escaped-mean="" data-blogger-escaped-millions="" data-blogger-escaped-more="" data-blogger-escaped-murdered="" data-blogger-escaped-na="" data-blogger-escaped-native="" data-blogger-escaped-north="" data-blogger-escaped-not="" data-blogger-escaped-now="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-or="" data-blogger-escaped-past="" data-blogger-escaped-pasty...="" data-blogger-escaped-paying="" data-blogger-escaped-people="" data-blogger-escaped-peoples="" data-blogger-escaped-persistent="" data-blogger-escaped-please="" data-blogger-escaped-prefer="" data-blogger-escaped-probably="" data-blogger-escaped-rumor="" data-blogger-escaped-said="" data-blogger-escaped-seriously="" data-blogger-escaped-settlement="" data-blogger-escaped-sincere="" data-blogger-escaped-states="" data-blogger-escaped-stealing="" data-blogger-escaped-stooges="" data-blogger-escaped-strong="" data-blogger-escaped-taken="" data-blogger-escaped-testimony="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-their="" data-blogger-escaped-them.="" data-blogger-escaped-there="" data-blogger-escaped-they="" data-blogger-escaped-times="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-truth:="" data-blogger-escaped-united="" data-blogger-escaped-unknowing="" data-blogger-escaped-used="" data-blogger-escaped-ve="" data-blogger-escaped-weapon="" data-blogger-escaped-where="" data-blogger-escaped-who="" data-blogger-escaped-work="" data-blogger-escaped-working="" data-blogger-escaped-would="" data-blogger-escaped-you="">boobs, chumps, dupes, gulls, pigeons, saps, scapegoats, schmucks, suckers... No, this blogger will leave the censorship and not remove it as an example of how FOOLISH AND SELF-DESTRUCTIVE PEOPLE CAN BE.
Yeshua bar Yehosef' -- Aramaic for "Jesus son of Joseph" ->
Maria—written in Aramaic script, but a Latin form of the Hebrew name "Miriam" ("Mary")[8] Yose—a diminutive of "Joseph" mentioned (in its Greek form ιωσης "Joses") as the name of one of Jesus's brothers in the New Testament (Mark 6:3)
Yehuda bar Yeshua—possibly Aramaic for "Judah son of Jesus"
Mariamene e Mara—according to the filmmakers this is Greek for "Mary known as the master." The similar name "Mariamne" is found in the Acts of Philip. Francois Bovon, professor of the history of religion at Harvard University has said, based on his study of that work, "I do not believe that Mariamne is the real name of Mary of Magdalene. Mariamne is, besides Maria or Mariam, a possible Greek equivalent, attested by Josephus, Origen, and the Acts of Philip, for the Semitic Myriam."[9]
Matya—Hebrew for 'Matthew'—not claimed to be Matthew the Evangelist but "possibly a husband of one of the women in an unmarked ossuary."[7] The filmmakers claim that there is evidence that Mary mother of Jesus had many relatives named Matthew.[8]" From Wikipedia. See link...
- Egyptian statues, and South American statues show people that along with authenticate real biological "DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released. The Results Prove They Were Not Human"
-> CENSORSHIP AGAIN. HYPER-TEXT INAPPROPRIATE USE 'HACKED' TO CORRUPT POST CONTENT. <- data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-action="" data-blogger-escaped-again="" data-blogger-escaped-against="" data-blogger-escaped-aggressive="" data-blogger-escaped-america.="" data-blogger-escaped-american="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-anything="" data-blogger-escaped-are="" data-blogger-escaped-around.="" data-blogger-escaped-around="" data-blogger-escaped-as="" data-blogger-escaped-be="" data-blogger-escaped-because="" data-blogger-escaped-been="" data-blogger-escaped-being="" data-blogger-escaped-by="" data-blogger-escaped-careful="" data-blogger-escaped-civilization.="" data-blogger-escaped-come-full-circle="" data-blogger-escaped-comes="" data-blogger-escaped-destiny="" data-blogger-escaped-distant="" data-blogger-escaped-do="" data-blogger-escaped-european="" data-blogger-escaped-europeans="" data-blogger-escaped-even="" data-blogger-escaped-first="" data-blogger-escaped-follow="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-goes="" data-blogger-escaped-groups="" data-blogger-escaped-had="" data-blogger-escaped-hard="" data-blogger-escaped-has="" data-blogger-escaped-hat="" data-blogger-escaped-have="" data-blogger-escaped-high-technological="" data-blogger-escaped-honest="" data-blogger-escaped-humanity="" data-blogger-escaped-hurt="" data-blogger-escaped-if="" data-blogger-escaped-in="" data-blogger-escaped-information="" data-blogger-escaped-internet="" data-blogger-escaped-invaded="" data-blogger-escaped-invaders="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-just="" data-blogger-escaped-karma="" data-blogger-escaped-killed="" data-blogger-escaped-knowledge.="" data-blogger-escaped-knowledge="" data-blogger-escaped-known="" data-blogger-escaped-little="" data-blogger-escaped-lways="" data-blogger-escaped-many="" data-blogger-escaped-mean="" data-blogger-escaped-millions="" data-blogger-escaped-more="" data-blogger-escaped-murdered="" data-blogger-escaped-na="" data-blogger-escaped-native="" data-blogger-escaped-north="" data-blogger-escaped-not="" data-blogger-escaped-now="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-or="" data-blogger-escaped-past="" data-blogger-escaped-pasty...="" data-blogger-escaped-paying="" data-blogger-escaped-people="" data-blogger-escaped-peoples="" data-blogger-escaped-persistent="" data-blogger-escaped-please="" data-blogger-escaped-prefer="" data-blogger-escaped-probably="" data-blogger-escaped-rumor="" data-blogger-escaped-said="" data-blogger-escaped-seriously="" data-blogger-escaped-settlement="" data-blogger-escaped-sincere="" data-blogger-escaped-states="" data-blogger-escaped-stealing="" data-blogger-escaped-stooges="" data-blogger-escaped-strong="" data-blogger-escaped-taken="" data-blogger-escaped-testimony="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-their="" data-blogger-escaped-them.="" data-blogger-escaped-there="" data-blogger-escaped-they="" data-blogger-escaped-times="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-truth:="" data-blogger-escaped-united="" data-blogger-escaped-unknowing="" data-blogger-escaped-used="" data-blogger-escaped-ve="" data-blogger-escaped-weapon="" data-blogger-escaped-where="" data-blogger-escaped-who="" data-blogger-escaped-work="" data-blogger-escaped-working="" data-blogger-escaped-would="" data-blogger-escaped-you="">boobs, chumps, dupes, gulls, pigeons, saps, scapegoats, schmucks, suckers... No, this blogger will leave the censorship and not remove it as an example of how FOOLISH AND SELF-DESTRUCTIVE PEOPLE CAN BE.
Yeshua bar Yehosef' -- Aramaic for "Jesus son of Joseph" ->
Maria—written in Aramaic script, but a Latin form of the Hebrew name "Miriam" ("Mary")[8] Yose—a diminutive of "Joseph" mentioned (in its Greek form ιωσης "Joses") as the name of one of Jesus's brothers in the New Testament (Mark 6:3)
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
"Witch of Endor," and a few other incident are exceptions and generally a bad idea. NOTICE PLEASE: now science and technology has shown that there seems to be a "beneficial," safe and sanitary ways to contact and "visit with dead people." ....><"Witch of Endor, sometimes called the Medium of Endor, was a medium who apparently summoned the prophet Samuel's spirit, at the demand of King Saul of the Kingdom of Israel in the First Book of Samuel, chapter 28:3–25. The witch is absent from the version of that event recounted in the deuterocanonical Book of Sirach (46:19–20). She is called in Biblical Hebrew אֵ֥שֶׁת בַּֽעֲלַת־אֹ֖וב בְּעֵ֥ין דֹּֽור (’êšeṯ ba‘ălaṯ-’ōḇ bə-‘Êndōr), "a woman who has a familiar spirit at Endor." See link... Relatively new discoveries, forensic DNA in criminal investigation and parent birth and custody disputes have made genetic research a very important medical tool. Scientists have found that DNA has a 3D Structure, and a crystal like shape that DNA is NOT flat or like a "stringing," but has a geomantic structure, ( see link... ) and topography that is extremely important to the way it works in biology. Many old books not only hint, but came right out and said, that HUMANITY IS A CRYSTAL DNA ECOSYSTEM and like a diamond-lattice or emerald and ruby laser...>< See links...
Scholarly articles for dna crystal structure | |
Crystal structure of a p53 tumor suppressor-DNA … - Cho - Cited by 2127
… -DNA recognition: crystal structure of a Zif268-DNA … - Pavletich - Cited by 1713
Co-crystal structure of the HNF-3/fork head DNA- … - Clark - Cited by 1023
HUMANITY AS A WHOLE GROUP, -ALL TOGETHER IS VERY VALUABLE. ETHNIC GROUPS, EACH HAVE A NATURAL MISSION ON PLANET EARTH. WE ALL WORK TOGETHER IN UNIFIED COHERENT CONSCIOUSNESS WITH MOTHER EARTH TO CREATE OUR "REALITY." -BOOKS such as "OPUS MAGO-CABBALISTICUM ET THEOSOPHICUM," printed in the year 1721 have explained that all ethnic groups have an important reason for all people, everywhere to be on Planet Earth. NOT to be interfered with or destroyed as this will hurt their job and work on Planet Earth for the GOOD-OF-ALL-PEOPLE. Ernest V. Mbenkum Inventor and Patents, (See link... is quoted as saying, "You see, if matter untimely dissolves into octaves of light, and light dissolves into octaves of consciousness, and consciousness dissolves into octaves of reality, then matter, light, consciousness, and reality are all interdependent like an ecosystem. And like a ecosystem, if you change one element you effect the whole."
Saturday, April 4, 2015
EASTER HIGH: Chocolate Funny Bunny
“Meet Your Happy Chemicals: Dopamine, Endorphin, Oxytocin, Serotonin.” Just relax; be calm. Relax and be calm. Let your bonding spirit in oxytocin take over. Relax and be calm, think of endorphins lessening all your thoughts … EASTER HIGH: Chocolate Funny Bunny all cohesion, vision, proficiency and passion can be yours just by ingestion of chocolate ( PLEASE ! NOT to eat if allergy has been noted), and the prime active ingredient, a chemical called "Phenethylamine"....See Wikipedia link
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