Friday, July 4, 2014


Democratic  Party  "liberals"  and   "progressives" were deeply  concerned about the last November
election,   according to  talk radio and internet  gossip.
My support of the Democratic Party  as a Liberal and progressive with both my vote and money is  firm.  My age is 73.  My service in the United States Army was from 1964 to 1967. There is nothing that I know now or knew then  that had any extra  ordinary  security  classification,  and I do not  "pry  into government secrets.   

China, India, Japan all have  advanced outer-space  technologies. Russia, France and the  European  Space Agency, the nation of  India  also,  ( see enclosed pictures ) all have images that are on the internet,  in unclassified  publications, and DVD's that show strange artifacts on the moon.  Please,  just glance at the pictures.  President Obama could knock the neocons  talk radio pundits off the air, grab the headlines by a surprise  finding of new discoveries on the moon .  Some other country will make the  announcement  if the United  States does not . Below are famous pictures of President Kennedy's  challenge to go to the moon. President Obama must make a similar challenge, or NASA and America will be tragically humiliated  technologically by another  Sputnik  type  embarrassment. ...The image below is that of Russia's Sputnik satellite, that was a political disaster for the United States...

    ....The picture below is that of Russia's Sputnik satellite, a political disaster for the United States.


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