Friday, February 27, 2015

Hip-Hop, Science, religion, Heavy Metal or Grunge ! "This is WAR !"

YOU ! Hip-Hop, Science, religion, Heavy Metal or Grunge this is war on your life-style. CREEPY, maybe from their hate of music, from their hate of laughter; they hate "LOVE", and here is the clincher,  they hate service-to-other people who are sick, infirmed and troubled. Street saying in the slang, "They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk." An older saying, they are "Shadow Friends," or "fair-weather friend" and by their sick betrayal, and twisted action are either mentally ill, or just maybe,  -just a "FAR-OUT" possibility, that they are NOT entirely human, as most people commonly understand the idea of a "Human Being." They tangle almost everything in legalize and have no "common sense.*" "CALL-THE-POLICE," is their first reaction in almost all situations, as if the police were some kind of  judge of social conduct, deportment and propriety, or Etiquette !   // "Referring to conventional forms and usages: the rules of etiquette. Decorum suggests dignity and a sense of what is appropriate for a person of good breeding: a fine sense of decorum." NO-WAY is that a police officer's job to judge etiquette, unless there is clearly an appropriate law that is being broken. Trillionaires, are out to get you ! (Yes, Ha ! Ha ! Very funny, there is a Hip-Hop Band called "Trillionaires.") Proof in two ways. The "Georgia Guidestones," and Agenda 21...(See link Yes, this Blogger is being obtuse on purpose. / / Children, now read from the old book HOSEA 8:7, "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up..."  Gay, the old fashion meaning of the word as a lampoon farce, "How to star a World War, and cull the herd."  / Please, get the meaning. As serious as war in fact is, the excuse for war is often ridiculous in hindsight. See... World War will mean an end to your life style ! YOU, Hip-Hop, Science, religion, Heavy Metal or Grunge ! "This means WAR !"

*com·mon sense
noun: common sense; modifier noun: common-sense; noun: commonsense
  1. good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.
    "use your common sense"
    synonyms:good sense, sense, native wit, sensibleness, judgment, levelheadedness, prudence, discernment, canniness, astuteness, shrewdness, wisdom, insight, perception, perspicacity;
    practicality, capability, resourcefulness, enterprise;
    informalhorse sense, gumption, savvy, smarts, street smarts....


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day Krux. Krux or herald love frequency

Henry W. McElroy, Jr, retiring State Representative to New Hampshire, declared that former U.S. President Eisenhower was briefed about the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth. McElroy also said that the document he viewed while at the State Legislature made reference to the opportunity for Eisenhower to meet the alien visitors. See link...All Hail Hercolubus (!), --Planet X Gold in a Microwave and Genome Healing via Consciousness, see link

All Hail Hercolubus (!), --Planet X...see link to fictional places. Freedonia: From the Marx Brothers' movie Duck Soup. ... Grand Duchy Of Fenwick: Never, Never forget that "ALL G*D's Cil'n got guns !" (Hint ! War Hysteria,  -clue ! Humanity did not take this hint and brought us World War Two. That is pure satire. Oh, how some people 'love' going to war, but then the dead and injured. And, some of the "fighters" never come back. )...see
" in the Kremlin prepared for President Medvedev by Russian Space Forces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret US cables that the Americans have been “engaged” since 2004 in a “war” against UFO’s based on or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean. Story  from "The NAKED SCIENTISTS" see....
 Miracle of 528 Hz Solfeggio & Fibonacci ...see link "Leonard Horowitz is one of the more famous sound healers around, best known for his popularization of the frequency 528 Hz, part of a series of nine "solfeggiofrequencies."[1][2] In his book, he makes many grandiose claims about the number and frequency, calling it "the universal LOVE constant," "central to Divine creation," "linked to the heart of everything." Leonard Horowitz, see citation link...  

The Secrets Of Vibration 528hz) Hidden truths of sound! Law Of Attraction. See...

  /// NOW, please see "Doctor Steven Greer | Aliens, Disclosure, & False Flag Invasions"...   Also, see an interesting clue of future prophecy. See link: President Bill Clinton Talks About The Coming FAKE Alien Invasion...
...Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, or USAPs. The crown jewel, most tightly held and most sensitive of these USAPs are those dealing with the so-called UFO, Extraterrestrial and new energy areas    (see "Unacknowledged" in the book ‘Disclosure’ by the same author)." See link...

Ha !  "Why am I moody and sad?" Horrible monsters from "Outer-Space" with a "Heart-As-Pure -As-Gold ! Ha  ! Only the "pretty-ones" are honest and true, (=sarcasm), but still, they might think much as you. Ha ! Ha ! More sarcasm, "Avoid an existence of crime, or you will look as ugly as I'm." As only the ugly monsters are evil, though  "beauty is only skin deep," as my grandmother use to say. See link ( ruddigore 20 Sir Despard )...  /// Unacknowledged Special Access Program (or USAP)
 The above post is a Valentine's Day Krux. Krux or herald the love frequency...EARTH DEFENSE FORCE based on Mars and the Moon.  

Saturday, February 7, 2015

President Obama is a Great President in spite of Ferguson tragedy...

Capitalism almost always values possessions, above life. Truly, that is what made North America a nation, by stealing property from the Native Americans. No excuse and no good reason to kill another human in a dispute over cigars  ! Human minds and how people think about morality is extremely important. His – story, real and fiction can be used to show mistakes in moral thinking. Do not forget your his – story ! Put up a sign, make a memorial, write a song, make a poem, write a news story, make a video and put the video on the internet, make a Blog do not let tragedy be forgotten. ! Follow this ironic fiction, as it may not be a true story, but is just an example of how fiction can be used to show how valuable human life can be with an emotional shock ! Just a poem, but with an important point. Troubled times needs more people with empathy and compassion, NOT GREED and NO SELF-SERVING EGOTISM !
Gossip and rumor on the internet, that you can use a search engine to research, is that an invasion of Planet-Earth is coming from the Aldebaran, Star System. SEE LINK... NO WAY TO KNOW !
President Obama, regardless, is under a lot of lobbies pressure, big corporations and political pressure that the average person can not even imagine. The "Back-Story" to the above "fiction" is, that many rogue World's Military and International Corporations have made a secret agreement  (SEE LINK: EXOTIC NEW WEAPONS...
 for large parts of the African continent and a smaller part of China for colonies in exchange for exotic weapons and new medical procedures. SEE LINK: 

Earthfile:Eko Atlantic City...

  Doctor Steven Greer, & Stephen Bassett of the disclosure project, with all do respect do not seem to take "rogue actions" into consideration. As pure ironic fiction, maybe some "Supra-Legal" group that wants to destroy the United States, not only so that they can reduce the population, but also do away with the United States' Bill-Of-Rights and merge Mexico, Canada into a "North American Union" bring in the Trans-human Cyborgs and the elixir-of-life extension for the very rich people. Spiteful actions and criminal action, that is if you know some action is going to hurt you, or somebody else DO NOT DO IT ! You will just help the very rich and the crazy rogue people destroy your-own-civil-rights ! As an excurse to "put-down" violence the very rich will not only kill people, because that is what they wanted all along to make more room for the extraterrestrial beings, but probably in their greed sell the body parts ! SEE THIS IMAGE  !..