Thursday, August 28, 2014


FERGUSON, MISSOURI: END-OF-SUMMER SALE  ! President Obama is one of the best Presidents that the United States has ever had, and I support him in everything that he has done publicly so far in his administration. BLOG POST JUST DISAPPEARED FROM MY COMPUTER ! ( NOW, for the revenge of an old man !!! I'm not going to put up with creepy queers wiping my computer screen clear, after putting well thought out ideas in a post and have some "acne-pocked silly sissy destroy my work. Goes also for putting viruses in my computer system. Congress will do nothing, either because they are ignorant of what is happening, or they are accomplices ). CONGRESS of The United States and many of the United States' advisers to the President, and certainly in the United States Security Agencies, and the CEO's of many international corporations are morally depraved, by most rational standards. National Security Agencies are the most guilty of  perversity because many of them secretly be long to the HOMOSEXUAL LOG CABIN CLUB. See "Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) is an organization that works within the Republican Party to advocate equal rights for gays and lesbians in the United States. The group's constituency supports the Republican Party and advocates for the rights of gay and lesbian Americans.[2][3] " (=Wikipedia) I'm sorry for homosexuals who are not secure in their sexual identity, but that is no reason to lash-out at anyone who does not SEEM to share your own interest. May I strongly suggest that you see a mental health professional, to adjust your sexual preference to your personality. Oh, how sad when I lived so long, to see the same mental health  issues come up over-and-over-again as I had hope that these concern were all resolved in the last century, late 1960s. And no, I am not angry with you personally, but I had hoped to passifvite the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, but who ever erased my Blog Post ruined all that, because of their own personal insecurity. Just beause you know computer programming, and how to "hack" into a computer system does not make you a mature adult, you are just, and I use this old saying as an insult to you, you are an "IDIOT SAVANT."

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