Monday, September 1, 2014

#ATTENTION ! -Ferguson, Missouri

Gold standard between 1914 to 1919 was suspended by some European nation to pay for “The Great War” with paper money.
Republican President  Richard Milhous Nixon in 1973, decoupled the value of the US dollar from the price of gold.
375 billion dollars worth of gold are estimated to be in the United States’  possession. That is not enough gold to cover the world’s  supply of dollars, or even the United States’ debt. “TPTB” know that austerity will lead to violence, and “Gay-Like-Hissy-Fits” or a World War may not stop an intervention. We all should know by now that we all share this Planet Earth with other life forms, maybe some sentient and  more sapient than humanity. Now, this is not “OFF-TOPIC.” This is “RIGHT-ON-TOPIC.” Judy Garland was called in the public press, just before she die, a “FAG HAG,” I’m sure that hurt her emotionally. Now, please if you will follow this logic, listen to the emotion in her voice, and come to some conclusion. See link…
Gold standard between 1914 to 1919 was suspended by some European nation to pay for “The Great War” with paper money.
Republican President  Richard Milhous Nixon in 1973, decoupled the value of the US dollar from the price of gold.
375 billion dollars worth of gold are estimated to be in the United States’  possession. That is not enough gold to cover the world’s  supply of dollars, or even the United States’ debt. “TPTB” know that austerity will lead to violence, and “Gay-Like-Hissy-Fits” or a World War may not stop an intervention. We all should know by now that we all share this Planet Earth with other life forms, maybe some sentient and  more sapient than humanity. Example  Fiction: “Cautionary Tale” and  fable for “Tinfoil Hat People”   (  THIS LINK HAS BEEN REQUESTED TO BE DELETED  Possibly Flagged with penalty. Deductive reasoning a logical conclusion…See link…” Бен Фулфорд и Дэвид Уилкокс на российском телевидении: Кабал Поражение маячит
 In other words they are just plain crazy. (ALL LINKS REMOVED BY REQUEST. NO PINGBACK)
Think!  For the most part, the same people who got the whole world in this monetary crisis are the same people who control the printing of paper money.  However,  paper money is not the real problem. Lack of honesty, and credibility are  the real problems.  True accountability is the real problem.     (  THIS LINK HAS BEEN REQUESTED TO BE DELETED  Possibly Flagged with penalty. Deductive reasoning a logical conclusion…)     Click for honesty…here now below
Bloomberg News…      (  THIS LINK HAS BEEN REQUESTED TO BE DELETED  Possibly Flagged with penalty. Deductive reasoning a logical conclusion…  See link
PROOF !? YOU WANT PROOF ! SEXUALITY, AND HOW IMOPORTANT ‘NATURAL SEX’ is to the continuation  of the  human race. RACE ! BLACK or WHITE, if the following is real, and again as in past post, this Blogger has no special information, just what is in public access, people of colour must be very worried, as a “BABY-FACTORY” will out produce them.  See link, and think very hard about what this means, (if true ?) to all the human race if you ‘love human children, of all races,’ go to link …
First, austerity could begin by all the bankers, accountants, attorneys and politicians taking a nominal pay cut!  The pay-cut would be a concession for solidarity with people who have been asked to give up pay rises and benefits in this time of international monetary crisis.
Secondly,  with such a serious international crisis, and fear of  national debt default, as good corporate citizens, all international corporations, incorporated in their respected countries, should pay larger amount of taxes until this financial disaster is over.
Thirdly, to prevent inflation and stop national default,  all people who make  more than an arbitrary amount of money, to show patriotic support for their country, and prevent an international humanitarian  financial collapse  should voluntarily pay more taxes.  Example:  Possible Fiction. “Cautionary Tale” in honor of Ray Harryhausen who pass on May 7, 2013 and his speculation on an attack from “Off-Planet !” See the following that might even put fear in the hearts of  the “TPTB”  who think that they can do anything they want so that there is nobody powerful enough to stop them...      (  THIS LINK HAS BEEN REQUESTED TO BE DELETED  Possibly Flagged with penalty. Deductive reasoning a logical conclusion… ALL  LINKS REMOVED BY REQUEST. NO PINDBACK.) See link  Sarcasm intend. -Austerity humbug. Now, this Blogger as an "older worker" not only wants a job, but at 74 years old will come to work any day of the week, even holidays and weekends with out complaint, night or day, seven days a week, working what ever hours requested...but, be reasonable, not standing-by-phone ! Regular scheduled hours only, please...
Example  Fiction: “Cautionary Tale” and  fable for “Tinfoil Hat People”   (  THIS LINK HAS BEEN 

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