Wednesday, November 26, 2014

AMMACH, Sentient Nano-technology

Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please,  please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the two most important causes of the economic "stress and strain." NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want to see 66% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population killed. "Cry-Out," that science and technology has far surpassed many peoples' understanding. That is not most peoples' fault, but a product of a deliberate "dumbing-down." People, generally do NOT know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, generally do know what to do, because they have been trained and in some causes abused into believing that they were born to control humanity. In a radio broadcast, I heard that to many "ignorant" people are being born, if that is true the people being born should be taken care of like an exotic animal, or a special flower protected, nurtured and shown compassion so that they can learn, "right from wrong," Now, fool, that does not mean to "let them get with away with murder." Entertainment should educate and edify, NOT show new ways to hurt people. Past Blogs have made it clear, that a lot of pain and suffering comes from real and imaginary feelings of "rejection" and "abandonment.' BOREDOM is also the cause of a lot of "petty theft," vandalism and mischief. You (!), the so called "Elites" are the cause of this by NOT properly spending your money on public service project that get to the true cause of social problems. NEOCONS, in many cases to this Blogger are not only misguided, but down right deceitful in some of their arguments, because their logic, the analytical "chain of cause and effect" just does not sustain their arguments. This Blogger believes they know that, because generally they do not "practice what they preach" in their own lives. For just  two examples, America's education system is not teaching some of the newer arts, computer graphics, and science, quantum physics to everybody who would like to learn. As if limiting the newer fields of study, and for proof see the following video...
"The Elites," or as in the not to distant past called "the intelligentsia" see this digression for an explanation."
In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in Russian-controlled Poland during the age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German Bildungsbürgertum or the British professions for whom leading societal roles were available.[2] 
«Раскрытие через воздействие включает в себя, и что делает нацистской Германии в лагерях в 2МВ. Контроль цикла человека lifedeath. Здесь мы выставляем только что может происходит вне цикла человеческой жизни, и как действительно означает использование душа сбора урожая и другие dreaful вопросы, и похищает требование прямолинейная человечество и использовать его для души
In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population. See the mass intelligentsia section below." From Wikipedia. And as an added educational science note, please see the following link:


Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please, please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the main reasons for the "stress and strain" on the economic system. NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want 75% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population  killed. People do NOT seem to know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, and "...  intelligentsia, from Latin: intellegentia (Polish: inteligencja, Russian: интеллигенция,[1] pronounced [ɪntʲɪlʲɪˈɡʲentsɨjə]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture. This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers. Intelligentsia is the subject of active polemics concerning its own role in the development of modern society not always positive historically, often contributing to higher degree of progress, but also to its backward movement.[2]In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in Russian-controlled Poland during the age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German Bildungsbürgertum or the British professions for whom leading societal roles were available.[2]

In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population" (= From Wikipedia)  Ha ! Ha ! "INTELLIGENTSIA," get no respect for the word is  "full-of-derision." Over used by the communist, no derision to teach  "ARTS AND CRAFTS," individual, and singular active sports and recreation. Entertainment, internet Blogging, internet video, internet radio, music and "theoretical  science." Parks, and play-grounds for adults to teach children to dance, sing, and show respect for nature and wild animals.  "MOTHER NATURE," has pulled a magic trick on the International Bankers, because apparently the bacteria called, "Delftia acidovorans and Cupriavidus metallidurans" make GOLD  !  Alchemist, get out your  flasks and retorts and start making gold for the betterment of  HUMANITY. Ha ! Ha  ! Nature's joke is so funny I could cry, for all the wars, murder and killing, fights and feuds and nature makes gold for free. Just for the taking, if you LEARN how to use the bacteria to make gold.
Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please, please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the main reasons for the "stress and strain" on the economic system. NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want 75% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population  killed. People do NOT seem to know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, and "...  intelligentsia, from Latin: intellegentia (Polish: inteligencja, Russian: интеллигенция,[1] pronounced [ɪntʲɪlʲɪˈɡʲentsɨjə]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture. This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers. Intelligentsia is the subject of active polemics concerning its own role in the development of modern society not always positive historically, often contributing to higher degree of progress, but also to its backward movement.[2]In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in Russian-controlled Poland during the age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German Bildungsbürgertum or the British professions for whom leading societal roles were available.[2]

In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population" (= From Wikipedia)  Ha ! Ha ! "INTELLIGENTSIA," get no respect for the word is  "full-of-derision." Over used by the communist, no derision to teach  "ARTS AND CRAFTS," individual, and singular active sports and recreation. Entertainment, internet Blogging, internet video, internet radio, music and "theoretical  science." Parks, and play-grounds for adults to teach children to dance, sing, and show respect for nature and wild animals.  "MOTHER NATURE," has pulled a magic trick on the International Bankers, because apparently the bacteria called, "Delftia acidovorans and Cupriavidus metallidurans" make GOLD  !  Alchemist, get out your  flasks and retorts and start making gold for the betterment of  HUMANITY. Ha ! Ha  ! Nature's joke is so funny I could cry, for all the wars, murder and killing, fights and feuds and nature makes gold for free. Just for the taking, if you LEARN how to use the bacteria to make gold.
Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please, please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the main reasons for the "stress and strain" on the economic system. NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want 75% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population  killed. People do NOT seem to know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, and "...  intelligentsia, from Latin: intellegentia (Polish: inteligencja, Russian: интеллигенция,[1] pronounced [ɪntʲɪlʲɪˈɡʲentsɨjə]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture. This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers. Intelligentsia is the subject of active polemics concerning its own role in the development of modern society not always positive historically, often contributing to higher degree of progress, but also to its backward movement.[2]In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in Russian-controlled Poland during the age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German Bildungsbürgertum or the British professions for whom leading societal roles were available.[2]

In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population" (= From Wikipedia)  Ha ! Ha ! "INTELLIGENTSIA," get no respect for the word is  "full-of-derision." Over used by the communist, no derision to teach  "ARTS AND CRAFTS," individual, and singular active sports and recreation. Entertainment, internet Blogging, internet video, internet radio, music and "theoretical  science." Parks, and play-grounds for adults to teach children to dance, sing, and show respect for nature and wild animals.  "MOTHER NATURE," has pulled a magic trick on the International Bankers, because apparently the bacteria called, "Delftia acidovorans and Cupriavidus metallidurans" make GOLD  !  Alchemist, get out your  flasks and retorts and start making gold for the betterment of  HUMANITY. Ha ! Ha  ! Nature's joke is so funny I could cry, for all the wars, murder and killing, fights and feuds and nature makes gold for free. Just for the taking, if you LEARN how to use the bacteria to make gold.
Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please, please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the main reasons for the "stress and strain" on the economic system. NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want 75% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population  killed. People do NOT seem to know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, and "...  intelligentsia, from Latin: intellegentia (Polish: inteligencja, Russian: интеллигенция,[1] pronounced [ɪntʲɪlʲɪˈɡʲentsɨjə]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture. This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers. Intelligentsia is the subject of active polemics concerning its own role in the development of modern society not always positive historically, often contributing to higher degree of progress, but also to its backward movement.[2]In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in Russian-controlled Poland during the age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German Bildungsbürgertum or the British professions for whom leading societal roles were available.[2]

In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population" (= From Wikipedia)  Ha ! Ha ! "INTELLIGENTSIA," get no respect for the word is  "full-of-derision." Over used by the communist, no derision to teach  "ARTS AND CRAFTS," individual, and singular active sports and recreation. Entertainment, internet Blogging, internet video, internet radio, music and "theoretical  science." Parks, and play-grounds for adults to teach children to dance, sing, and show respect for nature and wild animals.  "MOTHER NATURE," has pulled a magic trick on the International Bankers, because apparently the bacteria called, "Delftia acidovorans and Cupriavidus metallidurans" make GOLD  !  Alchemist, get out your  flasks and retorts and start making gold for the betterment of  HUMANITY. Ha ! Ha  ! Nature's joke is so funny I could cry, for all the wars, murder and killing, fights and feuds and nature makes gold for free. Just for the taking, if you LEARN how to use the bacteria to make gold.


NO WAY ! NO WAY DO WEBMASTERS AND WEBSITE ADMINISTRATORS KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO BE POSTED IN ANY OF MY BLOGS, BECAUSE THIS BLOGGER IS NOT EVEN CLEAR WHAT IS GOING TO BE POSTED. Assumption is presumption, even if administrators and webmasters think delusionally that they have special "insight," and "psychic powers" to anticipate the direction of this blog, they are wrong, because this blogger test analytically, and by " General semantic theory, " the probability OF THESE POST ON THE EMOTIONAL DESTRESS OF SOMEONE WHO READS THESE WEBSITES...SEE LINK: Also, please see.../ NON NOCET, QUI EX LEGE !  WHY ! ? NOW, THE "PERV" VOYOURES. NOT A WILD ACCUSATION. WHAT ARE THE US GOVERNMENT AGENCIES DOING ? IF THEY CAN NOT PROTECT THE INTERNET, HOW CAN THEY PROTECT THE NATION ? QUOTE:->"Denial of Service attack by thousands of “zombie computers” around the world were triggered by Someone's keystroke to attack The attack was so great that the server company had to shut down to prevent damage to the Earthfiles server and all the company's server clients. This DoS attack was only the third in 17 years of the server company's existence. It is further evidence beyond Edward Snowden's revelations that Americans are truly at the precipice of a nation that will continue to fall into a police state mentality at all government levels — or there will be a fundamental transformation from government marauding to the original goal at the founding of this nation to be of, by and for the people."...See link:


Excelsior: WORLDS' MILITARies
NO WAY ! NO WAY DO WEBMASTERS aND WEBSITE ADMINISTRATORS KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO BE POSTED IN ANY OF MY BLOGS, BECAUSE THIS BLOGGER IS NOT EVEN CLEAR WHAT IS GOING TO BE POSTED. assumption is presumption, even if administrators and webmasters think delusionally that they have special "insight," and "psychic powers" to anticipate the direction of this blog, they are wrong, because this blogger test analytically, and by " General semantic theory, " the probablity oF THESE POST ON THE EMOTIONAL DESTRESS OF SOMEONE WHO READS THESE POST...sEE LINK: Also, please see...http://weebly-link/569506224489725930 Non nocent, QUI EX

Saturday, November 8, 2014


NEOCONS, SOCIAL ENGINEERING AND A TROUBLED NATION: 1950's an exact year is forgotten, on a little dual-chrome television this Blogger saw a show about "CYMATICS" See link from Wikipedia.. Apparently, the vibration of nearly everything can be effected by the "frequency-of-vibrations." See..."Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. It is also referred to as temporal frequency, which emphasizes the contrast to spatial frequency and angular frequency. The period is the duration of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is the reciprocal of the frequency. For example, if a newborn baby's heart beats at a frequency of 120 times a minute, its period – the interval between beats – is half a second (60 seconds (i.e. a minute) divided by 120 beats). Frequency is an important parameter used in science and engineering to specify the rate of oscillatory and vibratory phenomena, such as mechanical vibrations, audio(sound) signals, radio waves, and light."...From  Think about that ! Just as in a "Pulse-of-Energy" humans, and matter can be effected even by musical vibrations. Public tragedies that we have seen recently could in many cases have been prevented if well trained counselors, and public heath professionals had had more understanding of the need for social interaction on a creative level, fine arts and crafts, with a discernment for signs of troubled people. Listen ! I scream and yelling at this computer, and I use cuss words and obscenities, that is NOT necessarily a sign of a disturbed person. See ..."Primal therapy is a trauma-based psychotherapy created by Arthur Janov, who argues that neurosis is caused by the repressed pain of childhood trauma. Janov argues that repressed pain can be sequentially brought to conscious awareness and resolved through re-experiencing the incident and fully expressing the resulting pain during therapy. Primal therapy was developed as a means of eliciting the repressed pain; the term Pain is capitalized in discussions of primal therapy when referring to any repressed emotional distress and its purported long-lasting psychological effects. Janov criticizes the talking therapies as they deal primarily with the cerebral cortex and higher-reasoning areas and do not access the source of Pain within the more basic parts of the central nervous system.",,, From Wikipedia. See link... . "SCREAM THERAPY", was popular in the late 1960's. This blogger believes that release of repressed emotions by screaming, or singing loudly is essential for a healthy personality. Can you tell that there is something wrong if at a sports event or a "Rock Concert" the audience set in silence ? Just so, if a child or adult is silent and emotionally withdrawn, if the child or adult has trouble expressing ideas and his/her thoughts something is not right ? ? ? Bloggers, or anybody can search through the internet and see that many people have a "twisted" and "skewed" logic.

> < < The Primal Scream Therapy by this Bloggers concept of good mental health is what is needed in America, or loud singing and screaming at sports events. See link...

 "Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is a psychological condition in which an individual experiences excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or from people to whom the individual has a strong emotional attachment (e.g. a parent, caregiver, or siblings). In infants and small children, typically between the ages of 2 months to 3 years, separation anxiety is a natural part of the developmental process. Unlike SAD, this process indicates healthy advancements in a child’s cognitive maturation and should not be considered a developing behavioral problem.[1]" See Wikipedia link... Also, because of "disrupted marriages" many adults and children have feeling of "rejection," See link...  And, also because of "broken marriages" both adults and children have feelings of "abandonment." From Wikipedia, "Emotional abandonment is a subjective emotional state in which people feel undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded. People experiencing emotional abandonment may feel at loss, cut off from a crucial source of sustenance that has been withdrawn either suddenly or through a process of erosion. In a classic abandonment scenario, the severance of the emotional bond is unilateral, that is, it is the object of one’s attachment that has chosen to break the connection. Feeling rejected, a significant component of emotional abandonment, has a biological impact in that it activates the physical pain centers in the brain and can leave an emotional imprint in the brain’s warning system.[1] Abandonment has been a staple of poetry and literature since ancient times.[2] According to Roy Baumeister,[3] unrequited love is a common experience, particularly in youth, but affects people throughout their life..." See link...
   "MUSIC CAN BOTH "DIVIDE AND CONQUER." In the US Army I was stationed in a German town named HANAU. This might come as a surprise to some Hip-Hop, and Punk aficionados, but in much of Europe, along with Hip-Hop, and Grunge the Waltz is still known and not anciently old-fashion. In its time, the Waltz was considered provocative sexually and risqué. A lot of dance, was original "FOLK DANCES."  Professional Feminists, this Blogger is very serious in a  need for a critique and sociological deconstruction of the following motion picture. The concerns are mostly obvious, but personally the music is my major interest,,, So, go for it and do a critique ! See this link ...

"Spring Parade" (1940)...

Saturday, November 1, 2014

NEOCONS ! Hey, followers of the NEOCON dribble...

NEOCONS ! Hey, followers of the NEOCON dribble, do you know what the “GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS” are ? President Obama must know, or someone on his staff does, and certainly the Secretary of the Treasury knows what they are, so followers of the NEOCONS,  SEE LINK :  -just think before you are so ready to condemn the President. NOW, to my main point, as a Prophet is supposed to have said a long time ago…”…11“Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony. 12“If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? “…Bugaboo, of outer-space research is the “light year”  distance between solar systems, now the censorship comes into the equations. If, once, if twice. if thrice this Blog was censored, all could be some sort of “glitch,” but every time, no, no glitch, more like a “Troll” or gremlin. Fool that I am. here we go again. "NEOCONS, FREE ENERGY & WILHELM REICH Part One" > < See links...  <
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, see Wikipedia link…
Miguel Alcubierre, see Wikipedia link…
Superluminal motion, …

/>< /

NEOCONS, just can not seem to think that humanity should all together have a “Good Future.”  As for technological change, many NEOCONS are still in the “Horse-and-Buggy” age. NEOCONS, many of them, say that they support the military, good, so do I to some extent. What the NEOCONS  do not seem to appreciate is “the chain-of-causality” and the ramifications of the NEOCONS atavistic belief system. For example, has there ever been any “modern” invention that has not been use in war? Now, this is very serious, just think of the “Cause and Effect” of the following video… SEE LINK... 
Minority groups, or at any rate if you think of yourself as a minority, that includes feminist, President Obama has talked about the need to subdue  ISIS, but think about the reports that PREDIDEMT Obama gets every day, even places as close as MEXCIO... See link:  " ...woman order the massacre of 43 students in Mexico? Mayor's wife dubbed First Lady of Murder 'ordered police to stop protesters ruining her party'" Read more:  "Mexico missing students: Protestors demand mayor’s arrest." SEE LINK :NOTE PLEASE, NEOCONS' TALKING HEADS SAY NOTHING>>> Go to: President Obama, his staff and the United State Department of State must deal with these events every day, and more. SEE " China built a ghost town in Africa? " NEOCONS and their followers say nothing, while President Obama and the U.S. State Department work night and day to protect the very "LIBERATIES" that the NEOCONS abuse see this strange story, link...