Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please, please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the two most important causes of the economic "stress and strain." NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want to see 66% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population killed. "Cry-Out," that science and technology has far surpassed many peoples' understanding. That is not most peoples' fault, but a product of a deliberate "dumbing-down." People, generally do NOT know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, generally do know what to do, because they have been trained and in some causes abused into believing that they were born to control humanity. In a radio broadcast, I heard that to many "ignorant" people are being born, if that is true the people being born should be taken care of like an exotic animal, or a special flower protected, nurtured and shown compassion so that they can learn, "right from wrong," Now, fool, that does not mean to "let them get with away with murder." Entertainment should educate and edify, NOT show new ways to hurt people. Past Blogs have made it clear, that a lot of pain and suffering comes from real and imaginary feelings of "rejection" and "abandonment.' BOREDOM is also the cause of a lot of "petty theft," vandalism and mischief. You (!), the so called "Elites" are the cause of this by NOT properly spending your money on public service project that get to the true cause of social problems. NEOCONS, in many cases to this Blogger are not only misguided, but down right deceitful in some of their arguments, because their logic, the analytical "chain of cause and effect" just does not sustain their arguments. This Blogger believes they know that, because generally they do not "practice what they preach" in their own lives. For just two examples, America's education system is not teaching some of the newer arts, computer graphics, and science, quantum physics to everybody who would like to learn. As if limiting the newer fields of study, and for proof see the following video...
"The Elites," or as in the not to distant past called "the intelligentsia" see this digression for an explanation."
In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in
Russian-controlled Poland during the
age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,
[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.
[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German
Bildungsbürgertum or the British
professions for whom leading societal roles were available.
«Раскрытие через воздействие включает в себя, и что делает нацистской Германии в лагерях в 2МВ. Контроль цикла человека lifedeath. Здесь мы выставляем только что может происходит вне цикла человеческой жизни, и как действительно означает использование душа сбора урожая и другие dreaful вопросы, и похищает требование прямолинейная человечество и использовать его для души.»
In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.
[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.
[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population. See the mass intelligentsia section below." From Wikipedia. And as an added educational science note, please see the following link:
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