Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please, please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the main reasons for the "stress and strain" on the economic system. NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want 75% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population  killed. People do NOT seem to know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, and "...  intelligentsia, from Latin: intellegentia (Polish: inteligencja, Russian: интеллигенция,[1] pronounced [ɪntʲɪlʲɪˈɡʲentsɨjə]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture. This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers. Intelligentsia is the subject of active polemics concerning its own role in the development of modern society not always positive historically, often contributing to higher degree of progress, but also to its backward movement.[2]In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in Russian-controlled Poland during the age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German Bildungsbürgertum or the British professions for whom leading societal roles were available.[2]

In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population" (= From Wikipedia)  Ha ! Ha ! "INTELLIGENTSIA," get no respect for the word is  "full-of-derision." Over used by the communist, no derision to teach  "ARTS AND CRAFTS," individual, and singular active sports and recreation. Entertainment, internet Blogging, internet video, internet radio, music and "theoretical  science." Parks, and play-grounds for adults to teach children to dance, sing, and show respect for nature and wild animals.  "MOTHER NATURE," has pulled a magic trick on the International Bankers, because apparently the bacteria called, "Delftia acidovorans and Cupriavidus metallidurans" make GOLD  !  Alchemist, get out your  flasks and retorts and start making gold for the betterment of  HUMANITY. Ha ! Ha  ! Nature's joke is so funny I could cry, for all the wars, murder and killing, fights and feuds and nature makes gold for free. Just for the taking, if you LEARN how to use the bacteria to make gold.
Laugh and laugh until you cry, because the whole money system is collapsing. Please, please forgive me, the Federal Reserve Banks and the money system have been a good idea. This Blogger is NOT one of those crazies who want the United States to fall into economic anarchy. Oh, please, NO ! Technology and population are the main reasons for the "stress and strain" on the economic system. NO ! NO ! NO ! This Blogger does not want 75% of this beautiful Planet Earth's population  killed. People do NOT seem to know what to do with their "FREEDOM." Elites, and "...  intelligentsia, from Latin: intellegentia (Polish: inteligencja, Russian: интеллигенция,[1] pronounced [ɪntʲɪlʲɪˈɡʲentsɨjə]) is a social class of people engaged in complex mental labour aimed at disseminating culture. This therefore might include everyone from artists to school teachers. Intelligentsia is the subject of active polemics concerning its own role in the development of modern society not always positive historically, often contributing to higher degree of progress, but also to its backward movement.[2]In a social sense, the stratum of intelligentsia arose first in Russian-controlled Poland during the age of Partitions. The term was borrowed from Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in around the 1840s,[2] to describe the educated and professionally active segment of patriotic bourgeoisie able to become the spiritual leaders of the country ruled by a foreign power in an authoritarian way.[2] Deprived of socio-political influence in the form of enterprises or any "effective levers of economic development", the educated intelligentsia became a characteristic indicator of the East-European cultural periphery unlike the German Bildungsbürgertum or the British professions for whom leading societal roles were available.[2]

In pre-revolutionary Russia the term was first used to describe people possessing cultural and political initiative.[3] It was commonly used by those individuals themselves to create an apparent distance from the masses, and generally retained that narrow self-definition.[citation needed] More recently the term mass intelligentsia has been popularized to describe the intellectual effect of tertiary education upon a population" (= From Wikipedia)  Ha ! Ha ! "INTELLIGENTSIA," get no respect for the word is  "full-of-derision." Over used by the communist, no derision to teach  "ARTS AND CRAFTS," individual, and singular active sports and recreation. Entertainment, internet Blogging, internet video, internet radio, music and "theoretical  science." Parks, and play-grounds for adults to teach children to dance, sing, and show respect for nature and wild animals.  "MOTHER NATURE," has pulled a magic trick on the International Bankers, because apparently the bacteria called, "Delftia acidovorans and Cupriavidus metallidurans" make GOLD  !  Alchemist, get out your  flasks and retorts and start making gold for the betterment of  HUMANITY. Ha ! Ha  ! Nature's joke is so funny I could cry, for all the wars, murder and killing, fights and feuds and nature makes gold for free. Just for the taking, if you LEARN how to use the bacteria to make gold.

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