Bloggers, generally believe in free speech and have no problem with using profanities, obscenities and vulgarities. "B.S." is used in the title of this Blog instead of the explicit full words because this post directed at people who would probably feel uncomfortable to read the more direct words. NOT because of any sensitive on my part. Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy NOT-OFF-TOPIC, control of history is one of the ways the establishment has controlled society. (Apologies for the slurring of some words and the use of the non-word "ta ! " The proper word is, "to," not "ta." What can I say ? The day was cold and windy, and I was still not fully awake on that cloudy Sunday Morning.)... Grief, honestly and sincerely deeply felt sadness to post the following links. First, hopefully some insight why if these ideas give such grief are they posted. BACK-STORY: Did you ever wonder why Maximilien Robespierre, known in Republican Politics brought down what is known as Reign of Terror in the French Revolution ? Probably most Americans do not even know anything about how crazy and terrible that part of the French Revolution was, all the way to killing of Louis-Charles, Dauphin of France. "The September Massacres mark a watershed in the troubled history of the relationship between ‘the people’ and the political elite in France. Popular violence, provoked by foreign invasion and counter-revolution, would have to be tamed, either by constructing an alternative ‘official’ terror, or by puncturing, once and for all, this myth of a universal, revolutionary will. The Jacobin Terror of 1793-4 was a product, not so much of Enlightenment theorizing as of war, and the related twin political forces unleashed by the Revolution itself, popular radicalism and elite—and popular—counter-revolution.[7]..." From Wikipedia. Louis-Charles, Dauphin of France, ...when"his father was executed on 21 January 1793, during the middle-period of the French Revolution, he became (nominally) King of France and Navarre in the eyes of the royalists. However, since France was by then a republic, and Louis XVII had been imprisoned from August 1792 until his death from illness in 1795 at the age of 10, he was never officially king, nor did he rule." See link... Secondly, the Zarkovich is dead ! Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia - Wikipedia, the free ...
He was the youngest child and only son of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress ...
!NO ! Please, this is NOT a silly weepy crying jag for long dead Les Princesroyaux,pourraitaussibienpleurerpourfilsmortsdeAbdesPanteraTiberiusIulius-.Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia - Wikipedia, the free,_Tsarevich_of_Russia " He was the youngest child and only son of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress ... He was murdered alongside his parents, four sisters, and three retainers during the .... Tsar Nicholas sent twelve-year-old Alexei to sit with the grieving father." Always, the horror of history, and the same cycles of horror over and over again. Why ? That is the point that is trying to be made. Why war, killing and murder of humanity ? Planck length explained below, but first see the following video even if it is long and will take a lot of time to see. You might get some good information about why President Obama is having a difficult time with the opposition. Even deeper, Philosophy-of-Science and the proverbial, "action and reaction." See link...ℓP is defined as
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