RAPPER free speech in words and music. ON censorship. LOOK ! CENSOESHIP of a song, and the tune that went with it. "WHITE RAT," come on, guess who is the white rat ? ENGLAND came to the Nation of India to take over the riches and wealth of that very old country. India is a country of multi-ethnic people much older that England... -Now, that is NOT to say that there were NOT ethnic problems in India, but to use an example from real life, that invasion and occupation of India was a lot like a young person pushing around her or his grand parents. English language is even a distant "grand-parent" relation to Sanskrit, the ancient language of Indian Literature. "Sanskrit (/ˈsænskrɪt/; संस्कृतम्saṃskṛtam[səmskr̩t̪əm], or संस्कृतsaṃskṛta, originally संस्कृता वाक्saṃskṛtā vāk, "refined speech") is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, a philosophical language in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and a literary language that was in use as a lingua franca in the Indian cultural zone. It is a standardised dialect of the Old Indo-Aryan language, originating as Vedic Sanskrit and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European.[4] Today it is listed as one of the 22 scheduled languages of India[5] and is an official language of the state of Uttarakhand.[6] Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies.[7]..."WHITE RAT," song was censored by the English for criticizing the English occupation of the Indian Nation. "WHITE RAT," song was censored by the English for criticizing the English occupation of the Indian Nation. " Censors and sensibility, SEE LINK...http://www.afr.com/news/world/north-america/censors-and-sensibility-20150103-12hi86"The White Rat," is a sort of lyrical poem set to music... . "Lady and the Tagger" is a poem about the many choices we all have to make in our life. NOT between being eaten by a tagger, or meeting a really smart woman, but all the same in The United States we have many of the same problems. They are, like the old French Kings and the Natural born people of India and the walled off country of East Germany, there are Informants, snitches, spies and surveillance, censorship and in-you-face-brutality. You would have thought that any Attorney General who made excuse for "WATER-BOARDING" would have been fired, but no the next step was the "MITITARIZATION OF CIVILIAN POLICE." AFRICAN MENSA FOR KIDS: BOOK REVIEWS AND MOVIE REVIEWS, “THEY LIVE” – Trailer ( 1988 ) See link…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJC4R1uXDaE Population pressure and new technologies are making some peoples’ life difficult. Secret Technology, esoteric science, quantum subatomic “Planck
Length Science” is the way to save the economic system. NOT WAR or Economic Collapse… .Silly,
Silly and ridiculously funny was the film, “BACK TOTHE FUTURE” but, Colonel Corso’s Legacy – Phillip Corso Jr., the colonel’s son claims that TIME TRAVEL is possible. Experiencers now, numbering in the hundreds of people all claim that many of Planet Earth’s governments know and have done TIME TRAVEL…STOP RIGHT NOW IF YOU CAN NOT THINK CLEARLY. IF YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND BASIC CLASSICAL LOGIC READ NO MORE, because what is to follow will be uncomfortable for you and difficult to believe. If you are extremely religious, or of such an orthodox scientific mind-set that you think the college and university text-books present the only understanding of the physical world, you may be wrong. Secretary James Forrestal was put in a psychiatric ward, but the “official reason” is that in the year 1947 he was stopped for running through the halls of the Pentagon in Washington, DC yelling that the “Russians are coming ! The Russians are Coming.” That needed the courage of and Mice or Men ? However, there is an alternate history that clams that Secretary Forrestal was really yelling, "The space people are coming ! The space people are coming !" That even today might get a person locked up in a "Mental Hospital."(See link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MrYl8ZYHmo…خوشه پروین، جن و دیگر “فضایی” شما فن آوری و علم که سرخاب و حکومت نظامی غیر قانونی است از شما خوشه پروین، جن گرفته شده، و هر راز پروژه دسترسی ویژه این ادعا که علم و فن آوری خود را در آمریکا ساخته شده است برای استفاده از جنگ ونظامی به پول برای بانک ها و صنعت آمریکا… GET THE POINT ! Secretary Forrestal died under suspicious circumstances. "ABTRACT THOUGHT EXAMPLE THE RAPPER QUEEN: If somebody would kill the Secretary Of The Navy, would not somebody kill an ordinary person if they got in the way of some important plan ? SEE Link http://adgerellis.com/2012/01/02/achtung-achtung-zeit-spielraum-wissenschaft/PLEASENOTICE: Attorney General is a military rank. Just, as in ancient France, British Occupied India, and "The White Rat Song" song that embarrassed the English so badly that they had to censor this song. Apparently, to this very day, the song writer Mukunda Lal Das, and "The White Rat Song" is censor from the internet ... But, thanks' to printed books here are the lyrics below.
"Babu, will you realise your situation when you die ? The white devil is upon you (literally, upon your shoulders) and is totally ruining you. Formerly, you used to take your food in gold dishes, but now you are satisfied with steel dishes. A second fool like you is not to be met with. You have liked pomatum neglecting the indigenous otto, and it is why they call you "brutes," "nonsense," and "foolish" (literally, do they willingly call you brutes, etc.). Your granary was full of paddy, but the white rat has destroyed it. Babu, just take off the specs, and look around you. Do you know Deputy Babu, now your head is under the boot of the Feringhees*, that they have ruined your caste and honor and carried away your riches cleverly..." * Feringhee, See link https://www.wordnik.com/words/Feringhee
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