<- Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations experienced "DEAD DAYS" in person, right in the big busy metropolitan city, -NEW YORK CITY ! Laugh-Out-Loud, funny as a queen's fart ! ! ! ""In November 2005, Hanson demonstrated an expressive walking humanoid, a portrait of Albert Einstein, in collaboration with the KAIST Hubo group of Korea. KAIST built the walking body, and Hanson built the head using elastic polymer called Frubber [WIRED, 2006]…""See link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hanson_(robotics_designer) “” All singing, all talking and all walking in a false invasion of Aliens from outer-space ! The little grays/greys, the lizard people and the praying matins all putting on a “jolly-good” show for the militaries and public. Now, with mass media stooges drooling knuckle dragging along; sing some old war song. What a show ! What great cinema ! What astonishing theatre ! Aren’t you scarred yet ? —>SEE link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M39QkQPYADA
<- ""Hanson has also designed and built a series of Conversational Character Robots. These have heads incorporating Frubber, with varying levels of facial mobility and expressiveness, and are capable of responding to human speech. Projects include Joey Chaos, Jules (created for University of West England in Bristol, UK) and Alice (created for MIRALab in Geneva, Switzerland). He developed BINA48 for Martine Rothblatt‘s Terasem Movement, which he unveiled in 2010. …”” fatwā (Arabic: فتوى; plural fatāwā Arabic: فتاوى) in the Islamic faith is the term for the legal opinion or learned interpretation that the Sheikhul Islam, a qualified jurist or mufti, can give on issues pertaining to the Islamic law.[1] The person who issues a fatwā is called, in that respect, a Mufti, i.e. an issuer of fatwā, from the verb أَفْتَى ‘aftā = “he gave a formal legal opinion on”. This is not necessarily a formal position since most Muslims argue that anyone trained in Islamic law may give an opinion (fatwā) on its teachings. If a fatwā does not break new ground, then it is simply called a ruling.[2]…
“FATWA” issued by a Calipf, that does NOT exists. “”A caliphate (Arabic: خِلافة khilāfa) is a form of Islamic government led by a caliph (Arabic: خَليفة khalīfah pronunciation (help. · info))—a person considered a political and religious successor to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad (Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdullāh), and a leader of the entire Muslim community. Caliphate – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ISIS, or ISIL could not operate an out-house let alone a caliphate by modern contemporary technical standards. That is a real appraisal, NOT a slander or hurtful mean wild accusation. Do you think ISIS, or ISIL knows anything about water hydraulics and sewage disposal, and they are wanting to operate a contemporary Caliphate ? Will this ISIS, or ISIL Caliphate have pluming and hot water ? Electricity and architecture needs engineers and building contractors that know mathematics, or does ISIS, or ISIL want to pay infidels ( = الكفار ) to run their Caliphate ? Caliphate needs accountants to tax the infidels, buying and selling and with no arithmetic how is commerce supposed to be done ? ISIS, or ISIL makes nothing, but only kills and destroys. ISIS, or ISIL are against mathematics, they are against logic, analytics and deep study of the Holy Books, in short NO “”Mahdi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahdi… How please, will ISIS, or ISIL run a modern scientific society with a Caliphate that has no literacy reading technological books and journals, with no professional women in hospitals or schools and libraries ? With no arithmetic or manufacturing, with only the hope a Mahdi or Caliph that will probably cut their heads off for ISIS, or ISIL being الزنديق = almuhrataq… In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي ,(or Imam Mahdi) ISO 233: … the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the “false Messiah” or Antichrist). Muhammad al-Mahdi – Mahdiism – Muhammad Jaunpuri – Mahdi
كيف فضلك، سوف ISIS، أو ISIL تشغيل المجتمع العلمي الحديث مع الخلافة التي لا يوجد لديه الإلمام بالقراءة والكتابة
False indication and warning, ( see Wikipedia =) <- Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations experienced "DEAD DAYS" in person, right in the big busy metropolitan city, -NEW YORK CITY ! Laugh-Out-Loud, funny as a queen's fart ! ! ! A hoax, a charade by a rogue group of crazy criminals that must be caught and prosecuted as, and this is a poor excuse at gallows humor, even Her Highness maybe be abducted right from her throne in the “Privy Chamber.”
Seven Sisters is the common name for the Pleiades, a star cluster named for mythological characters.
- Pleiades (Greek mythology), seven sisters who are companions of Artemis in Greek mythology
- Pleiades in folklore and literature, traditional and mythological interpretations of the star cluster
- The Hesperides of Greek
life, a title of the Egyptian goddess Isis Mistress of the west, the Egyptian goddess Hathor Mistress of the temple,the Egyptian Goddess of the underworld
globe in the middle place” similar to the crown of the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, but with the horns having a shape more like half-crescents, and
- Black Anny’s Bower Close
- “”It is thought that the earliest written reference to Black Annis was from the eighteenth century, from which a title deed referred to a parcel of land as “Black Anny’s Bower Close”.[3]The Black Annis figure has several possible origins. Some have claimed, as Lethbridge did, that the origin can be found in Celtic mythology, based on Danu (or Anu),[2] or it may derive from Germanic mythology (see Hel).[4] Donald A. McKenzie in his 1917 book Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe suggested the origin of the legend may go back to the mother-goddess of ancient Europe, which he contends was thought of as a devourer of children.[3] and he identified Black Annis as being similar to the Indic Kali, Gaelic Muilearteach and Cailleach Bheare,[5] the Greek Demeter, the Mesopotamian Labartu, the Egyptian Isis–Hathor and Neith.[3] It has been suggested that the legend may derive from a popular memory of sacrifice to an ancient goddess.[6] It is thought that offerings of children may have been made to the goddess that inspired the legend in the archaeological Hunting Period, the oak tree at the cave’s entrance also a common site of local meetings.[3] Annis was also represented in cat form and the legend led to a local ritual in early spring, when a dead cat would be dragged before a pack of hounds in front of her bower, to celebrate the end of winter.[5]…”” SEE link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Annis
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