Sunday, June 7, 2015


RELIGION, PARADOX AND FREE-WILL ! "NO-way-Out," -understand and honestly sympathize why some people turn to religion for answers to difficult questions. Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea formalized the "Apostle's Creed,"...See link'_Creed ...Conflict between "James-the-Just," the "Jerusalem Church" and Paul, aka, Saul, See link...   -MY opinion, the "Jerusalem Church" taught Hebrew "Egyptian-Babylonian" mysticism, aka Gnostic Wisdom as "Jesus-Teaching," that is why Paul was so conflicted with "James-the-Just" and why CERN's Research goes back to the "real" Jesus-Teaching. That is, the CERN Project is more faithful to Jesus original teaching than accepted "Orthodox Christianity." RESEARCHERS into anomalous phenomena, that includes research into the "BLASTING SKY HORN SOUNDS," why would it NOT surprise anyone that is some sort of rogue government "PSY-OPS ?"  BOO ! Now, DO NOT FRIGHTEN THE CHILDREN...TRICK ! ? =JUST A SICK GAME of rogue government agents. Wasting more taxpayers money; Congress does nothing; Federal Aviation Administration does nothing; all the worlds militaries and universities do nothing. "NOT MY JOB," seems a "lame" reply if something sinister and dangerous is going on. See link  ( CENSORSHIP NOTE: Two times the following idea has been censored, edited and cut from past BLOGs. ) Witches and sorcerers on purpose and deliberately create hateful events and situation because the emotion of "HATE" is generally much stronger than "love and forgiveness."  By emotions the evil doers binds and ties the victims to their "Spell" and "Hex," as strong or stronger than the witch or sorcerer's evil intentions. DO NOT believe that, but many people do believe. " you do, it will be done to you." And, the following depressive cynicism, just for the religious murderers who want the END-OF-THE-WORLD so that they do NOT have to take responsibility to live a "Good-Kind and LAWFUL LIFE ON EARTH RIGHT NOW. Full of despair and negativity," Saying "In their Heart, there is no God" to hold ME responsible for my secret evil doings...
"ITS TO LATE TO SAVE PLANET EARTH," so just go on and "ACT-THE-FOOL" at the expense of suffering all humanity. "Establishment" must stop their duplicity RIGHT NOW !
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "OperationNorthwoods:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "Operation Mockingbird:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "Tuskegee syphilis experiment:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "Operation Plowshare:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "United States biological defense program:" WANT MORE INFORNATION ??? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ...! SECOND WARNING: "common law tribunal" is possible to bringing international Criminals to Justice.
"PLAY-SCRIPTED" from the BOOK-of-REVELATIONS to test the public's reaction to "anomalous phenomena." Ivy League universities, OVER-EDUCATED RICH KIDS, "playing games" with a  "NAIF," naïve public who know a little Bible, as in "Seven Trumpets" and are gullible beyond belief.  Amen ! ...Amon and Amen-Ra, Egyptian God. SEE link: "A caliphate (Arabic: خِلافةkhilāfa) is a form of Islamic government led by a caliph (Arabic: خَليفةkhalīfah About this sound pronunciation )—a person considered a political and religious successor to the prophet Muhammad and a leader of the entire Muslim community.[1] The Rashidun caliphs, who directly succeeded Muhammad as leaders of the Muslim community, were chosen through shura, a process of community consultation that some consider an early form of Islamic democracy.[2] ..." From Wikipedia: SEE link The Islamic Caliphate collapsed at the end of World War One from internal corruption and ancient and archaic ideas of military combat, just as now there is NO-WAY an antiquated belief system can compete with "TIME TRAVEL" as a weapon of WAR, FASTER-THAN-LIGHT-SPACESHIPS or RADIONIC WEAPON SYSTEM. "Gravitational lensing of wormholes..." SEE LINK "Theoretical construction of stable traversable wormholes," SEE LINK  GO TO LINKS, below

"Gravitational lensing of wormholes..." SEE LINK "Theoretical construction of stable traversable wormholes," SEE LINK  
"Service-To-Self," or "Service-To-Others" does NOT mean that you can not DEFEND-YOUR-SELF, nor does it mean that you should NOT take care of your body's needs as in "Maslow's hierarchy of needs." See link For "Heaven's Sake," have a little "common sense !" Destruction of old books and manuscripts have acted against Islamic history and wisdom because the books and manuscripts destroyed have prevented all Muslims from the "SCIENCE-of-JIHAD," the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin. CONTROL-OF-EMOTIONS, being one of the first lessons to learn. CRIMES, not only against the "Holy BOOK," but all crimes against the innocent children-of-faith who will never be able to know the Islamic Wisdom that has been destroyed.
CENSORSHIP, "ISIS Burns Books at Mosul Libraries, Universities:" SEE link 
CENSORSHIP, "ISIS Destroys Library In Mosul, Burning Thousands Of Rare Manuscripts, Artifacts" SEE link CENSORSHIP is so common on the internet that almost, in reality, makes the whole idea of "instant international" communication counterproductive...
"ISIS Tries to Revive The Caliphate While Dominating In Social Media," SEE link NOTE PLEASE: If you have NOT been censored on the internet, you probably are NOT posting anything worth reading... ...
FOOLISH and REDICULOUS to "orthodox science" this maybe, but the destruction of old books and documents and even the RUSSIAN SCIENCE and CHINESE TECHNOLOGY have officially reported on "BIO-ENERGY WEPOANS RESEARCH." Indisputable expert witnesses, official documentation and empirical physical evidence go to...  See link ...PSYCHOTRONIC WARFARE AND RADIONICS, GO TO

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