Saturday, February 7, 2015

President Obama is a Great President in spite of Ferguson tragedy...

Capitalism almost always values possessions, above life. Truly, that is what made North America a nation, by stealing property from the Native Americans. No excuse and no good reason to kill another human in a dispute over cigars  ! Human minds and how people think about morality is extremely important. His – story, real and fiction can be used to show mistakes in moral thinking. Do not forget your his – story ! Put up a sign, make a memorial, write a song, make a poem, write a news story, make a video and put the video on the internet, make a Blog do not let tragedy be forgotten. ! Follow this ironic fiction, as it may not be a true story, but is just an example of how fiction can be used to show how valuable human life can be with an emotional shock ! Just a poem, but with an important point. Troubled times needs more people with empathy and compassion, NOT GREED and NO SELF-SERVING EGOTISM !
Gossip and rumor on the internet, that you can use a search engine to research, is that an invasion of Planet-Earth is coming from the Aldebaran, Star System. SEE LINK... NO WAY TO KNOW !
President Obama, regardless, is under a lot of lobbies pressure, big corporations and political pressure that the average person can not even imagine. The "Back-Story" to the above "fiction" is, that many rogue World's Military and International Corporations have made a secret agreement  (SEE LINK: EXOTIC NEW WEAPONS...
 for large parts of the African continent and a smaller part of China for colonies in exchange for exotic weapons and new medical procedures. SEE LINK: 

Earthfile:Eko Atlantic City...

  Doctor Steven Greer, & Stephen Bassett of the disclosure project, with all do respect do not seem to take "rogue actions" into consideration. As pure ironic fiction, maybe some "Supra-Legal" group that wants to destroy the United States, not only so that they can reduce the population, but also do away with the United States' Bill-Of-Rights and merge Mexico, Canada into a "North American Union" bring in the Trans-human Cyborgs and the elixir-of-life extension for the very rich people. Spiteful actions and criminal action, that is if you know some action is going to hurt you, or somebody else DO NOT DO IT ! You will just help the very rich and the crazy rogue people destroy your-own-civil-rights ! As an excurse to "put-down" violence the very rich will not only kill people, because that is what they wanted all along to make more room for the extraterrestrial beings, but probably in their greed sell the body parts ! SEE THIS IMAGE  !..

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