Friday, February 27, 2015

Hip-Hop, Science, religion, Heavy Metal or Grunge ! "This is WAR !"

YOU ! Hip-Hop, Science, religion, Heavy Metal or Grunge this is war on your life-style. CREEPY, maybe from their hate of music, from their hate of laughter; they hate "LOVE", and here is the clincher,  they hate service-to-other people who are sick, infirmed and troubled. Street saying in the slang, "They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk." An older saying, they are "Shadow Friends," or "fair-weather friend" and by their sick betrayal, and twisted action are either mentally ill, or just maybe,  -just a "FAR-OUT" possibility, that they are NOT entirely human, as most people commonly understand the idea of a "Human Being." They tangle almost everything in legalize and have no "common sense.*" "CALL-THE-POLICE," is their first reaction in almost all situations, as if the police were some kind of  judge of social conduct, deportment and propriety, or Etiquette !   // "Referring to conventional forms and usages: the rules of etiquette. Decorum suggests dignity and a sense of what is appropriate for a person of good breeding: a fine sense of decorum." NO-WAY is that a police officer's job to judge etiquette, unless there is clearly an appropriate law that is being broken. Trillionaires, are out to get you ! (Yes, Ha ! Ha ! Very funny, there is a Hip-Hop Band called "Trillionaires.") Proof in two ways. The "Georgia Guidestones," and Agenda 21...(See link Yes, this Blogger is being obtuse on purpose. / / Children, now read from the old book HOSEA 8:7, "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up..."  Gay, the old fashion meaning of the word as a lampoon farce, "How to star a World War, and cull the herd."  / Please, get the meaning. As serious as war in fact is, the excuse for war is often ridiculous in hindsight. See... World War will mean an end to your life style ! YOU, Hip-Hop, Science, religion, Heavy Metal or Grunge ! "This means WAR !"

*com·mon sense
noun: common sense; modifier noun: common-sense; noun: commonsense
  1. good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.
    "use your common sense"
    synonyms:good sense, sense, native wit, sensibleness, judgment, levelheadedness, prudence, discernment, canniness, astuteness, shrewdness, wisdom, insight, perception, perspicacity;
    practicality, capability, resourcefulness, enterprise;
    informalhorse sense, gumption, savvy, smarts, street smarts....


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