Monday, December 7, 2015

DEAD DAYS: NOT SCARY or Sanguinary. Ha ! Ha !

“Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, in particular the Central and South regions, and acknowledged around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died, and help support their spiritual journey. In 2008 the tradition was inscribed in the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.[1]  

<- Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations experienced "DEAD DAYS" in person, right in the big busy metropolitan city,  -NEW YORK CITY ! Laugh-Out-Loud, funny as a queen's fart ! ! ! ""In November 2005, Hanson demonstrated an expressive walking humanoid, a portrait of Albert Einstein, in collaboration with the KAIST Hubo group of Korea. KAIST built the walking body, and Hanson built the head using elastic polymer called Frubber [WIRED, 2006]…""See link “” All singing, all talking and all walking in a false invasion of Aliens from outer-space ! The little grays/greys, the lizard people and the praying matins all putting on a “jolly-good” show for the militaries and public. Now, with mass media stooges drooling knuckle dragging along; sing some old war song. What a show ! What great cinema ! What astonishing theatre ! Aren’t you scarred yet ? —>SEE link

<- ""Hanson has also designed and built a series of Conversational Character Robots. These have heads incorporating Frubber, with varying levels of facial mobility and expressiveness, and are capable of responding to human speech. Projects include Joey Chaos, Jules (created for University of West England in Bristol, UK) and Alice (created for MIRALab in Geneva, Switzerland). He developed BINA48 for Martine Rothblatt‘s Terasem Movement, which he unveiled in 2010. …”” fatwā (Arabic: فتوى‎; plural fatāwā Arabic: فتاوى‎) in the Islamic faith is the term for the legal opinion or learned interpretation that the Sheikhul Islam, a qualified jurist or mufti, can give on issues pertaining to the Islamic law.[1] The person who issues a fatwā is called, in that respect, a Mufti, i.e. an issuer of fatwā, from the verb أَفْتَى ‘aftā = “he gave a formal legal opinion on”. This is not necessarily a formal position since most Muslims argue that anyone trained in Islamic law may give an opinion (fatwā) on its teachings. If a fatwā does not break new ground, then it is simply called a ruling.[2]
“FATWA” issued by a Calipf, that does NOT exists. “”A caliphate (Arabic: خِلافة‎ khilāfa) is a form of Islamic government led by a caliph (Arabic: خَليفة‎ khalīfah pronunciation (help. · info))—a person considered a political and religious successor to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad (Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdullāh), and a leader of the entire Muslim community. Caliphate – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ISIS, or ISIL could not operate an out-house let alone a caliphate by modern contemporary technical standards. That is a real appraisal, NOT a slander or hurtful mean wild accusation. Do you think ISIS, or ISIL knows anything about water hydraulics and sewage disposal, and they are wanting to operate a contemporary Caliphate ? Will this ISIS, or ISIL Caliphate have pluming and hot water ? Electricity and architecture needs engineers and building contractors that know mathematics, or does ISIS, or ISIL want to pay infidels ( = الكفار ) to run their Caliphate ?  Caliphate needs accountants to tax the infidels, buying and selling and with no arithmetic how is commerce supposed to be done ? ISIS, or ISIL makes nothing, but only kills and destroys. ISIS, or ISIL are against mathematics, they are against logic, analytics and deep study of the Holy Books, in short NO “”Mahdi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  –… How please, will ISIS, or ISIL run a modern scientific society with a Caliphate that has no literacy reading technological books and journals, with no professional women in hospitals or schools and libraries  ? With no arithmetic or manufacturing, with only the hope a Mahdi or Caliph that will probably cut their heads off for ISIS, or ISIL being  الزنديق  = almuhrataq… In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي ,(or Imam Mahdi) ISO 233: … the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal (literally, the “false Messiah” or Antichrist).  Muhammad al-Mahdi – ‎Mahdiism – ‎Muhammad Jaunpuri – ‎Mahdi 

كيف فضلك، سوف ISIS، أو ISIL تشغيل المجتمع العلمي الحديث مع الخلافة التي لا يوجد لديه الإلمام بالقراءة والكتابة
(disambiguation) الزنديق  وقراءة الكتب التقنية والمجلات، مع عدم وجود المهنيات في المستشفيات أو المدارس والمكتبات، مع عدم وجود الحساب أو التصنيع، مع فقط على أمل مهدي أو الخليفة الذي من المحتمل أن قطع رؤوسهم قبالة لISIS، أو ISIL يجري الزنديق = almuhrataq المهرطق المهرط->

False indication and warning,  ( see Wikipedia =)   <- Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations experienced "DEAD DAYS" in person, right in the big busy metropolitan city,  -NEW YORK CITY ! Laugh-Out-Loud, funny as a queen's fart ! ! !  A hoax, a charade by a rogue group of crazy criminals that must be caught and prosecuted as, and this is a poor excuse at gallows humor, even Her Highness maybe be abducted right from her throne in the “Privy Chamber.”
Seven Sisters is the common name for the Pleiades, a star cluster named for mythological characters.

  • Pleiades (Greek mythology), seven sisters who are companions of Artemis in Greek mythology
  • Pleiades in folklore and literature, traditional and mythological interpretations of the star cluster
  • The Hesperides of Greek
  • life, a title of the Egyptian goddess Isis Mistress of the west, the Egyptian goddess Hathor Mistress of the temple,the Egyptian Goddess of the underworld
  • globe in the middle place” similar to the crown of the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, but with the horns having a shape more like half-crescents, and
  • Black Anny’s Bower Close
  • “”It is thought that the earliest written reference to Black Annis was from the eighteenth century, from which a title deed referred to a parcel of land as “Black Anny’s Bower Close”.[3]The Black Annis figure has several possible origins. Some have claimed, as Lethbridge did, that the origin can be found in Celtic mythology, based on Danu (or Anu),[2] or it may derive from Germanic mythology (see Hel).[4] Donald A. McKenzie in his 1917 book Myths of Crete and Pre-Hellenic Europe suggested the origin of the legend may go back to the mother-goddess of ancient Europe, which he contends was thought of as a devourer of children.[3] and he identified Black Annis as being similar to the Indic Kali, Gaelic Muilearteach and Cailleach Bheare,[5] the Greek Demeter, the Mesopotamian Labartu, the Egyptian IsisHathor and Neith.[3] It has been suggested that the legend may derive from a popular memory of sacrifice to an ancient goddess.[6] It is thought that offerings of children may have been made to the goddess that inspired the legend in the archaeological Hunting Period, the oak tree at the cave’s entrance also a common site of local meetings.[3] Annis was also represented in cat form and the legend led to a local ritual in early spring, when a dead cat would be dragged before a pack of hounds in front of her bower, to celebrate the end of winter.[5]…”” SEE link


Sunday, June 7, 2015


RELIGION, PARADOX AND FREE-WILL ! "NO-way-Out," -understand and honestly sympathize why some people turn to religion for answers to difficult questions. Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea formalized the "Apostle's Creed,"...See link'_Creed ...Conflict between "James-the-Just," the "Jerusalem Church" and Paul, aka, Saul, See link...   -MY opinion, the "Jerusalem Church" taught Hebrew "Egyptian-Babylonian" mysticism, aka Gnostic Wisdom as "Jesus-Teaching," that is why Paul was so conflicted with "James-the-Just" and why CERN's Research goes back to the "real" Jesus-Teaching. That is, the CERN Project is more faithful to Jesus original teaching than accepted "Orthodox Christianity." RESEARCHERS into anomalous phenomena, that includes research into the "BLASTING SKY HORN SOUNDS," why would it NOT surprise anyone that is some sort of rogue government "PSY-OPS ?"  BOO ! Now, DO NOT FRIGHTEN THE CHILDREN...TRICK ! ? =JUST A SICK GAME of rogue government agents. Wasting more taxpayers money; Congress does nothing; Federal Aviation Administration does nothing; all the worlds militaries and universities do nothing. "NOT MY JOB," seems a "lame" reply if something sinister and dangerous is going on. See link  ( CENSORSHIP NOTE: Two times the following idea has been censored, edited and cut from past BLOGs. ) Witches and sorcerers on purpose and deliberately create hateful events and situation because the emotion of "HATE" is generally much stronger than "love and forgiveness."  By emotions the evil doers binds and ties the victims to their "Spell" and "Hex," as strong or stronger than the witch or sorcerer's evil intentions. DO NOT believe that, but many people do believe. " you do, it will be done to you." And, the following depressive cynicism, just for the religious murderers who want the END-OF-THE-WORLD so that they do NOT have to take responsibility to live a "Good-Kind and LAWFUL LIFE ON EARTH RIGHT NOW. Full of despair and negativity," Saying "In their Heart, there is no God" to hold ME responsible for my secret evil doings...
"ITS TO LATE TO SAVE PLANET EARTH," so just go on and "ACT-THE-FOOL" at the expense of suffering all humanity. "Establishment" must stop their duplicity RIGHT NOW !
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "OperationNorthwoods:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "Operation Mockingbird:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "Tuskegee syphilis experiment:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "Operation Plowshare:"
CHECK THIS OUT, SEE link "United States biological defense program:" WANT MORE INFORNATION ??? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ...! SECOND WARNING: "common law tribunal" is possible to bringing international Criminals to Justice.
"PLAY-SCRIPTED" from the BOOK-of-REVELATIONS to test the public's reaction to "anomalous phenomena." Ivy League universities, OVER-EDUCATED RICH KIDS, "playing games" with a  "NAIF," naïve public who know a little Bible, as in "Seven Trumpets" and are gullible beyond belief.  Amen ! ...Amon and Amen-Ra, Egyptian God. SEE link: "A caliphate (Arabic: خِلافةkhilāfa) is a form of Islamic government led by a caliph (Arabic: خَليفةkhalīfah About this sound pronunciation )—a person considered a political and religious successor to the prophet Muhammad and a leader of the entire Muslim community.[1] The Rashidun caliphs, who directly succeeded Muhammad as leaders of the Muslim community, were chosen through shura, a process of community consultation that some consider an early form of Islamic democracy.[2] ..." From Wikipedia: SEE link The Islamic Caliphate collapsed at the end of World War One from internal corruption and ancient and archaic ideas of military combat, just as now there is NO-WAY an antiquated belief system can compete with "TIME TRAVEL" as a weapon of WAR, FASTER-THAN-LIGHT-SPACESHIPS or RADIONIC WEAPON SYSTEM. "Gravitational lensing of wormholes..." SEE LINK "Theoretical construction of stable traversable wormholes," SEE LINK  GO TO LINKS, below

"Gravitational lensing of wormholes..." SEE LINK "Theoretical construction of stable traversable wormholes," SEE LINK  
"Service-To-Self," or "Service-To-Others" does NOT mean that you can not DEFEND-YOUR-SELF, nor does it mean that you should NOT take care of your body's needs as in "Maslow's hierarchy of needs." See link For "Heaven's Sake," have a little "common sense !" Destruction of old books and manuscripts have acted against Islamic history and wisdom because the books and manuscripts destroyed have prevented all Muslims from the "SCIENCE-of-JIHAD," the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin. CONTROL-OF-EMOTIONS, being one of the first lessons to learn. CRIMES, not only against the "Holy BOOK," but all crimes against the innocent children-of-faith who will never be able to know the Islamic Wisdom that has been destroyed.
CENSORSHIP, "ISIS Burns Books at Mosul Libraries, Universities:" SEE link 
CENSORSHIP, "ISIS Destroys Library In Mosul, Burning Thousands Of Rare Manuscripts, Artifacts" SEE link CENSORSHIP is so common on the internet that almost, in reality, makes the whole idea of "instant international" communication counterproductive...
"ISIS Tries to Revive The Caliphate While Dominating In Social Media," SEE link NOTE PLEASE: If you have NOT been censored on the internet, you probably are NOT posting anything worth reading... ...
FOOLISH and REDICULOUS to "orthodox science" this maybe, but the destruction of old books and documents and even the RUSSIAN SCIENCE and CHINESE TECHNOLOGY have officially reported on "BIO-ENERGY WEPOANS RESEARCH." Indisputable expert witnesses, official documentation and empirical physical evidence go to...  See link ...PSYCHOTRONIC WARFARE AND RADIONICS, GO TO

Monday, May 25, 2015

RAPPER QUEEN and Mice or Men

RAPPER free speech in words and music. ON censorship. LOOK ! CENSOESHIP of a song, and the tune that went with it. "WHITE RAT," come on, guess who is the white rat ? ENGLAND came to the Nation of India to take over the riches and wealth of that very old country. India is a country of multi-ethnic people much older that England...  -Now, that is NOT to say that there were NOT ethnic problems in India, but to use an example from real life, that invasion and occupation of India was a lot like a young person pushing around her or his grand parents. English language is even a distant "grand-parent" relation to Sanskrit, the ancient language of Indian Literature. "Sanskrit (/ˈsænskrɪt/; संस्कृतम् saṃskṛtam [səmskr̩t̪əm], or संस्कृत saṃskṛta, originally संस्कृता वाक् saṃskṛtā vāk, "refined speech") is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, a philosophical language in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and a literary language that was in use as a lingua franca in the Indian cultural zone. It is a standardised dialect of the Old Indo-Aryan language, originating as Vedic Sanskrit and tracing its linguistic ancestry back to Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Indo-European.[4] Today it is listed as one of the 22 scheduled languages of India[5] and is an official language of the state of Uttarakhand.[6] Sanskrit holds a prominent position in Indo-European studies.[7] ..."WHITE RAT," song was censored by the English for criticizing the English occupation of the Indian Nation. "WHITE RAT," song was censored by the English for criticizing the English occupation of the Indian Nation. "  Censors and sensibility, SEE LINK...   "The White Rat," is a sort of lyrical poem set to music... . "Lady and the Tagger" is a poem about the many choices we all have to make in our life. NOT between being eaten by a tagger, or meeting a really smart woman, but all the same in The United States we have many of the same problems. They are, like the old French Kings and the Natural born people of India and the walled off country of East Germany, there are Informants, snitches, spies and surveillance, censorship and in-you-face-brutality. You would have thought that any Attorney General who made excuse for "WATER-BOARDING" would have been fired, but no the next step was the "MITITARIZATION OF CIVILIAN POLICE." AFRICAN MENSA FOR KIDS: BOOK REVIEWS AND MOVIE REVIEWS,  “THEY LIVE” – Trailer ( 1988 ) See link…   Population pressure and new technologies are making some peoples’ life difficult. Secret Technology, esoteric science, quantum subatomic “Planck
Length Science” is the way to save the economic system. NOT WAR or Economic Collapse .Silly,
Silly and ridiculously funny was the film, “BACK TO THE FUTURE” but, Colonel Corso’s Legacy – Phillip Corso Jr., the colonel’s son claims that TIME TRAVEL is possible. Experiencers now, numbering in the hundreds of people all claim that many of Planet Earth’s governments know and have done TIME TRAVEL…STOP RIGHT NOW IF YOU CAN NOT THINK CLEARLY. IF YOU CAN NOT UNDERSTAND BASIC CLASSICAL LOGIC READ NO MORE, because what is to follow will be uncomfortable for you and difficult to believe. If you are extremely religious, or of such an orthodox scientific mind-set that you think the college and university text-books present the only understanding of the physical world, you may be wrong. Secretary James Forrestal was put in a psychiatric ward, but the “official  reason” is that in the year 1947 he was stopped for running through the halls of the Pentagon in Washington, DC  yelling that the  “Russians are coming ! The Russians are Coming.” That needed the courage of and Mice or Men ? However, there is an alternate history that clams that Secretary Forrestal was really yelling, "The space people are coming ! The space people are coming !" That even today might get a person locked up in a "Mental Hospital."(See link…خوشه پروین، جن و دیگر “فضایی” شما فن آوری و علم که سرخاب و حکومت نظامی غیر قانونی است از شما خوشه پروین، جن گرفته شده، و هر راز پروژه دسترسی ویژه این ادعا که علم و فن آوری خود را در آمریکا ساخته شده است برای استفاده از جنگ ونظامی به پول برای بانک ها و صنعت آمریکا… GET THE POINT ! Secretary Forrestal died under suspicious circumstances. "ABTRACT THOUGHT EXAMPLE THE RAPPER QUEEN: If somebody would kill the Secretary Of The Navy, would not somebody kill an ordinary person if they got in the way of some important plan ? SEE Link  PLEASE NOTICE: Attorney General is a military rank. Just, as in ancient France, British Occupied India, and  "The White Rat Song" song that embarrassed the English so badly that they had to censor this song. Apparently, to this very day, the song writer Mukunda Lal Das, and  "The White Rat Song" is censor from the internet ... But, thanks' to printed books here are the lyrics below.
         "Babu, will you realise your situation when you die ? The white devil is upon you  (literally, upon your shoulders) and is totally ruining you. Formerly, you used to take your food in gold dishes, but now you are satisfied with steel dishes. A second fool like you is not to be met with. You have liked pomatum neglecting the indigenous otto, and it is why they call you "brutes," "nonsense," and "foolish" (literally, do they willingly call you brutes, etc.). Your granary was full of paddy, but the white rat  has destroyed it. Babu, just take off the specs, and look around you. Do you know Deputy Babu, now your head is under the boot of the Feringhees*, that they have ruined your caste and honor and carried away your riches cleverly..."
* Feringhee, See link



RAPPER freespeecher in words and music. NO censorship in word or music

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Bloggers, generally believe in free speech and have no problem with using profanities, obscenities and vulgarities. "B.S." is used in the title of this Blog instead of the explicit full words because this post directed at people who would probably feel uncomfortable to read the more direct words. NOT because of any sensitive on my part. Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy  NOT-OFF-TOPIC, control of history is one of the ways the establishment has controlled society. (Apologies for the slurring of some words and the use of the non-word "ta ! " The proper word is, "to," not "ta." What can I say ? The day was cold and windy, and I was still not fully awake on that cloudy Sunday Morning.)... Grief, honestly and sincerely deeply felt sadness to post the following links. First, hopefully some insight why if these ideas give such grief are they posted. BACK-STORY: Did you ever wonder why Maximilien Robespierre, known in Republican Politics brought down what is known as Reign of Terror in the French Revolution ? Probably most Americans do not even know anything about how crazy and terrible that part of the French Revolution was, all the way to killing of Louis-Charles, Dauphin of France. "The September Massacres mark a watershed in the troubled history of the relationship between ‘the people’ and the political elite in France. Popular violence, provoked by foreign invasion and counter-revolution, would have to be tamed, either by constructing an alternative ‘official’ terror, or by puncturing, once and for all, this myth of a universal, revolutionary will. The Jacobin Terror of 1793-4 was a product, not so much of Enlightenment theorizing as of war, and the related twin political forces unleashed by the Revolution itself, popular radicalism and elite—and popular—counter-revolution.[7]..." From Wikipedia. Louis-Charles, Dauphin of France, ...when"his father was executed on 21 January 1793, during the middle-period of the French Revolution, he became (nominally) King of France and Navarre in the eyes of the royalists. However, since France was by then a republic, and Louis XVII had been imprisoned from August 1792 until his death from illness in 1795 at the age of 10, he was never officially king, nor did he rule." See link... Secondly, the Zarkovich is dead !
 Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia - Wikipedia, the free ...,_Tsarevich_of_Russia
 !NO ! Please, this is NOT a silly weepy crying jag for long dead Les Princes royaux, pourrait aussi bien pleurer pour fils morts de Abdes Pantera Tiberius Iulius-.  Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia - Wikipedia, the free,_Tsarevich_of_Russia  "
He was the youngest child and only son of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress ... He was murdered alongside his parents, four sisters, and three retainers during the .... Tsar Nicholas sent twelve-year-old Alexei to sit with the grieving father." Always, the horror of history, and the same cycles of horror over and over again. Why ? That is the point that is trying to be made. Why war, killing and murder of humanity ? Planck length explained below, but first see the following video even if it is long and will take a lot of time to see. You might get some good information about why President Obama is having a difficult time with the opposition. Even deeper, Philosophy-of-Science and the proverbial, "action and reaction." See link... P is defined as

\ell_\mathrm{P} =\sqrt\frac{\hbar G}{c^3} \approx 1.616\;199 (97) \times 10^{-35}\ \mathrm{m}
where c is the speed of light in a vacuum, G is the gravitational constant, and ħ is the reduced Planck constant. The two digits enclosed by parentheses are the estimated standard error associated with the reported numerical value.[1][2]
The Planck length is about 10−20 times the diameter of a proton, and thus is exceedingly small.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

POLICE ! POLICE ! Good Cop. Bad Cop...

POLICE ! POLICE ! Good Cop. Bad Cop... Old argument. Same as, were there any good NAZIs ?   Were all NAZIs bad, just because that person took on the self-identity and outward appearance of a NAZI ? Some religious people say that all "witchcraft" is bad, not just because witchcraft deals with forces that can TRY to act against G*D's will, but just by attempting to act against what seems to be the natural order witchcraft is bad. And, beside "The Bible told me so." King James had a whole prologue printed in what is known as the King James Bible, a polemic against witchcraft. See link... Obliviously, (drop to 'first person singular') this is only my foolish opinion, and is just as good, or bad as someone else's opinion. Good witches there are. "Good" NAZI's there are (,=present tense on purpose). Oh, if all people everywhere were always conscious of their real motivations for their actions, but generally people act from emotions, desires and deeply repressed feeling that they CAN NOT, or will not acknowledge. Why a person would think themselves a "witch" or a NAZI, or "TERRORIST," Mass Murderers or anything else, generally, condemned by society is probably a  personal issue. >NOW FOR A SURPRISE ! "One million users signed into Twitter's new live streaming app Periscope" see link...< Generally, this Blogger goes to three sources for psychological understanding of personal and social problems, they are, Doctor Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theories, Doctor Wilhelm Reich's psychosexual theories, and Doctor Carl Jung's archetype philosophy. Doctor Jung is good for context as in the following ..."In Jungian psychology, archetypes are highly developed elements of the collective unconscious. Being unconscious, the existence of archetypes can only be deduced indirectly by examining behavior, images, art, myths, religions, or dreams. Carl Jung understood archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct.[1] They are inherited potentials which are actualized when they enter consciousness as images or manifest in behavior on interaction with the outside world.[2] They are autonomous and hidden forms which are transformed once they enter consciousness and are given particular expression by individuals and their cultures." From Wikipedia, see link...  Tim Berners-Lee calls for internet bill of rights to ensure greater privacy  NOT-OFF-TOPIC, control of history is one of the ways the establishment has controlled society. > "Twitter's Periscope gains 1 million users in first 10 days." See link..< His-Story, narrative, plot, scenario, and again this Blogger relies on past history, education, and part of that learning was the psychosexual theories of Doctor Wilhelm Reich. Doctor Reich to my thinking, has been so badly misunderstood, and so maliciously defamed, that just by the hyper-vehemence of the attracts there must be some hidden truth that the establishment does not want to be made public. Again, my worthless belief is, as posted in another Blog, much prejudice and bigotry comes from repressed, self suspected fear of being, or identified as a homosexual. See link..."Homosexual panic" This self-critical homosexual fear comes from wanting to see the same gender, male/or female, the same ethnic group as the person themselves in the external world. This will never happen, because the world is made of opposites and dualities, always a contradiction as male and female, dark and light, cold and hot. If by some psychosis or "Magickal Reality" could be contracted into a singularity as in monistic perception, nothing would exist. ("Monism: Defined as the view that reality is a unified whole and that all existing things can be ascribed to, or described by, a single concept or system. It is the doctrine that mind and matter are reducible to the same ultimate substance or principle of being."  =From online dictionary.) Everything, including the observer would disappear and vanish into some self-contained insanity, or by extension if a person thinks that there is an external world, empirically. Eventually, by reduction everything would blend into a continual "sameness" because all contradictions would be gone, there would be no opposites, and no contrast so nothing could be seen and that would be near catatonia..."abnormality of movement and behavior arising from a disturbed mental state (typically schizophrenia). It may involve repetitive or purposeless over activity, or catalepsy, resistance to passive movement, and negativism." -From online free dictionary. See Wordpress. com, CENSORSHIP REVIEW  pending, "POLICE BRUTALITY,   MAGICAL THINKING AND WITCHCRAFT" Please see link...

Sunday, April 12, 2015


AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA AND MINORITIES. "Lloyd Anthony Pye Jr. (September 7, 1946 – December 9, 2013) was an American author and paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull.[1][2] He claimed it was the relic of a human-alien hybrid,[3] although DNA testing showed it to be from a human male.[4] He also promoted the ideas that cryptozoological creatures such as Bigfoot are real and that aliens intervened in human development.[5][6]" From Wikipedia ->>Please, this is so extremely important for human society and human diversity that the following video should make all people think deeply about what it means to be human. Please, pay attention to what is said...See link

->  CENSORSHIP AGAIN. HYPER-TEXT INAPPROPRIATE  USE 'HACKED' TO CORRUPT POST CONTENT. <- data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-action="" data-blogger-escaped-again="" data-blogger-escaped-against="" data-blogger-escaped-aggressive="" data-blogger-escaped-america.="" data-blogger-escaped-american="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-anything="" data-blogger-escaped-are="" data-blogger-escaped-around.="" data-blogger-escaped-around="" data-blogger-escaped-as="" data-blogger-escaped-be="" data-blogger-escaped-because="" data-blogger-escaped-been="" data-blogger-escaped-being="" data-blogger-escaped-by="" data-blogger-escaped-careful="" data-blogger-escaped-civilization.="" data-blogger-escaped-come-full-circle="" data-blogger-escaped-comes="" data-blogger-escaped-destiny="" data-blogger-escaped-distant="" data-blogger-escaped-do="" data-blogger-escaped-european="" data-blogger-escaped-europeans="" data-blogger-escaped-even="" data-blogger-escaped-first="" data-blogger-escaped-follow="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-goes="" data-blogger-escaped-groups="" data-blogger-escaped-had="" data-blogger-escaped-hard="" data-blogger-escaped-has="" data-blogger-escaped-hat="" data-blogger-escaped-have="" data-blogger-escaped-high-technological="" data-blogger-escaped-honest="" data-blogger-escaped-humanity="" data-blogger-escaped-hurt="" data-blogger-escaped-if="" data-blogger-escaped-in="" data-blogger-escaped-information="" data-blogger-escaped-internet="" data-blogger-escaped-invaded="" data-blogger-escaped-invaders="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-just="" data-blogger-escaped-karma="" data-blogger-escaped-killed="" data-blogger-escaped-knowledge.="" data-blogger-escaped-knowledge="" data-blogger-escaped-known="" data-blogger-escaped-little="" data-blogger-escaped-lways="" data-blogger-escaped-many="" data-blogger-escaped-mean="" data-blogger-escaped-millions="" data-blogger-escaped-more="" data-blogger-escaped-murdered="" data-blogger-escaped-na="" data-blogger-escaped-native="" data-blogger-escaped-north="" data-blogger-escaped-not="" data-blogger-escaped-now="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-or="" data-blogger-escaped-past="" data-blogger-escaped-pasty...="" data-blogger-escaped-paying="" data-blogger-escaped-people="" data-blogger-escaped-peoples="" data-blogger-escaped-persistent="" data-blogger-escaped-please="" data-blogger-escaped-prefer="" data-blogger-escaped-probably="" data-blogger-escaped-rumor="" data-blogger-escaped-said="" data-blogger-escaped-seriously="" data-blogger-escaped-settlement="" data-blogger-escaped-sincere="" data-blogger-escaped-states="" data-blogger-escaped-stealing="" data-blogger-escaped-stooges="" data-blogger-escaped-strong="" data-blogger-escaped-taken="" data-blogger-escaped-testimony="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-the="" data-blogger-escaped-their="" data-blogger-escaped-them.="" data-blogger-escaped-there="" data-blogger-escaped-they="" data-blogger-escaped-times="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-truth:="" data-blogger-escaped-united="" data-blogger-escaped-unknowing="" data-blogger-escaped-used="" data-blogger-escaped-ve="" data-blogger-escaped-weapon="" data-blogger-escaped-where="" data-blogger-escaped-who="" data-blogger-escaped-work="" data-blogger-escaped-working="" data-blogger-escaped-would="" data-blogger-escaped-you="">boobs, chumps, dupes, gulls, pigeons, saps, scapegoats, schmucks, suckers... No, this blogger will leave the censorship and not remove it as an example of how FOOLISH AND SELF-DESTRUCTIVE PEOPLE CAN BE.
Yeshua bar Yehosef' -- Aramaic for "Jesus son of Joseph"  ->

Maria—written in Aramaic script, but a Latin form of the Hebrew name "Miriam" ("Mary")[8]  Yose—a diminutive of "Joseph" mentioned (in its Greek form ιωσης "Joses") as the name of one of Jesus's brothers in the New Testament (Mark 6:3)
  • Yehuda bar Yeshua—possibly Aramaic for "Judah son of Jesus"
  • Mariamene e Mara—according to the filmmakers this is Greek for "Mary known as the master." The similar name "Mariamne" is found in the Acts of Philip. Francois Bovon, professor of the history of religion at Harvard University has said, based on his study of that work, "I do not believe that Mariamne is the real name of Mary of Magdalene. Mariamne is, besides Maria or Mariam, a possible Greek equivalent, attested by Josephus, Origen, and the Acts of Philip, for the Semitic Myriam."[9]
  • Matya—Hebrew for 'Matthew'—not claimed to be Matthew the Evangelist but "possibly a husband of one of the women in an unmarked ossuary."[7] The filmmakers claim that there is evidence that Mary mother of Jesus had many relatives named Matthew.[8]" From Wikipedia. See link... 
  • - Egyptian statues, and South American statues show people that along with authenticate real biological "DNA Analysis Of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released. The Results Prove They Were Not Human"